Who is easy to find?

Author:Knight Island Time:2022.07.15

Summer high temperatures are coming, and many places have entered the "barbecue mode": As of July 12, the national high temperature lasted 30 days, affecting the population of more than 900 million. "Shanghai has reached 40 degrees", "Hangzhou is approaching 40 degrees", "Hunan people are going to be hot" and other topics, etc.

What is the disease? Why is it fatal?

(Picture source: Xinhua News Agency)


Simply put, fever is the most dangerous and serious heat stroke.

According to the "Diagnosis of Professional heat stroke" of the National Health and Health Commission, the symptoms of heat stroke from light to 4 types:

The heat stroke that everyone usually says generally refers to threatened heat stroke, accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness, headache, sweating, palpitations, etc.; more severe heat strokes can occur in thermal cramps of muscle spasm and decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate, sweat and urine, and cold skin and cold skin. The most serious is thermal irritation. Typical symptoms include more than 40 degrees of body temperature, unclear consciousness or syncope, body convulsions, and even comprehensive failure of respiratory function, coagulation function, liver and kidney function, cardiovascular function, and eventually life -threatening. The mortality rate of thermal irritation can be as high as 70%-80%.

There are two causes of death of this disease. One is that the body's high temperature directly damages the organ system of the human body, and the other is that high temperature arouses related diseases. For example, when the temperature of the human body is high, it is prone to the syndrome of heat stress and systemic inflammation. Multi -organ dysfunction.

So, how do ordinary people judge that they have no fever? The most direct is the body temperature: Once the body temperature exceeds 40 degrees at high temperature environment, it is generally a thermal radiation disease. Be sure to seek medical treatment in time.

In addition to weak people, people who engage in high temperature and outdoor work for a long time are also high -risk groups of heat -shooting diseases, such as takeaway brothers, construction workers, traffic police security guards. There are also more careless epidemic prevention in protective clothing and busy outdoor.

To prevent fever, not only to avoid excessive exposure to the high -temperature environment of the outdoor, but also to prevent prevention indoors. Recently, a 70 -year -old woman did not pay attention to heat prevention at home, and then appeared high fever and blurred consciousness. After being sent to the hospital, she found that her body temperature rushed 42 degrees.

(Source: CCTV)


Since this disease is "hot", it is necessary to prevent heat stroke first. The most important and most convenient is to drink plenty of water. Regardless of the amount of exercise, water intake should be increased. Don't wait for the thirst before drinking. In the selection of drinks, drinks such as water, saline, and potassium and sodium can be used to replenish water, and high -sugar drinks and alcoholic beverages can make people lose more water. It is not advisable to drink when it is hot.

Second, avoid high temperature environment. In the room, you can wear light and loose clothes, open more windows to ventilate, and cool down with electric fans and air conditioners. Prevention and cooling medicine. Special groups such as the elderly and children should pay more attention to avoid too much clothes in summer, or because they are afraid of a cold and do not want to blow the air -conditioning electric fan.

In the high temperature environment, people who are susceptible to this disease should be as light as possible, and reasonably fall in accordance with the "Administrative Measures for the Prevention and cooling measures". Recently, some netizens posted a photo, which was baked outdoors outdoors. The traffic police on duty also wore a blue protective suit for surgery of hospitals. Some medical staff pointed out that the protection service for surgery is not meaningful to epidemic prevention, but it is not breathable, and it is easy to make traffic police heat stroke. Similar situations need to be changed, listen to scientific suggestions of medical staff.

The traffic police duty under high temperature baking. Picture source: Weibo

What if you have a heat stroke or get the fever? The doctor reminds "five steps" in time:

Stop the activity and rest in the cool and ventilated environment;

Take off excess or tight clothes;

Physically cool down, put the wet cold towel on the head and trunk, reduce the blood temperature with cold water, or place the ice bag under the armpit, neck and groin;

If the limbs are convulsions, do not put anything in the patient's mouth. If vomiting occurs, the patient's head should be biased towards one side to ensure that the respiratory tract is smooth;

Regardless of the symptoms, seek medical treatment immediately.

Organize/Dian Cang

Source/Xinhuanet, CCTV, Health Times, Dr. Lilac, etc.

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