Yantai Laiyang: strong confidence to protect growth, actively promote the facilitation of cross -border trade

Author:Focusing point Time:2022.07.15

In order to promote the solid quality of foreign trade enterprises in the city, Laiyang City has adopted a series of precise support measures to boost confidence in foreign trade enterprises.

The first is to give full play to the role of domestic and foreign professional exhibition platforms. This year, we have organized key enterprises such as Longda Food, Yongyi Group, and Changyu Seal to participate in the RCEP Special Two -way Trade Exchange Conference in Shandong and Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea and other countries. A number of companies participated in the 132nd Canton Fair; organized a number of enterprises to participate in the online training of the National RCEP series in April and June to help foreign trade companies develop the international market and further optimize the overall industrial chain layout.

The second is that Laiyang City adopts a combination of corporate research and symposium to conduct a visit to the city's export enterprises, and effectively grasp the current impact of Russia and Ukraine on export enterprises. The stable and healthy development of enterprises has effectively enhanced the "belonging" of entrepreneurs.

The third is to do a good job of implementing various funds and related policies. Complete the international market development funds of SMEs, and organize enterprises to do a good job in the application of service outsourcing funds; at the same time, we will conduct visits to the Food Enterprise Business Bureau to take a visit to the Yantai Municipal Bureau of Commerce to understand the promotion of AEO certification, qualification certification and trademark patent construction. Actively implement the support policies of departments and departments at all levels, and carry out "one -to -one" guidance; jointly do a good job in the small and micro enterprise credit insurance insurance work with Yantai Zhongbao Territories Corporation to avoid corporate trade risks.

In the next step, Laiyang City will promptly understand the relevant policies of the country to promote the development of foreign trade, strengthen publicity of enterprises, and take multiple measures to build a good environment for foreign trade.

[Edit: Zou Houhu]

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