Why is peace in the London Olympics in 1948?

Author:Shanghai Sports Time:2022.07.15

In the 1930s and 1940s

World Warfire Controversy

Call for peace and cherish peace

Become the strongest expectation of people at that time

"Olympic Games"

In promoting world peace and building a harmonious world

Play an important bridge role

Today, the small body interprets for you

Why are the Olympic Games stranded twice?

Why is the London Olympic Games very special in 1948?

What happened to the three Olympics in China?

Say goodbye to the return of the Fire Olympic Games

The 14th London Summer Olympics participants in 1948, medals, relief commemorative Bronze Chapter

The two rounds and irregular square badges stored in the Shanghai Sports Museum were the medals and memorial copper chapters of the 14th London Summer Olympic Games in 1948. They are carved backgrounds with the "Big Bell" and "Parliament Building" in London, England, and engraved the words "1948", "XIV Olympiad" and "London", highlighting the Olympic Fifth Ring Road pattern. After the 11th Berlin Olympics in 1936, why did the next Olympic Games postpone 12 years?

The outbreak of the European battlefield in 1940 made the 12th Summer Olympic Games completely bubble; when London, England, the 13th Olympic Games had the right to host, the World War II has not ended. Excessive energy host Olympic Games.

Therefore, the four -year Olympic Games was stranded for two sessions, and the peaceful significance of the Olympic Games was particularly obvious in the first Olympic Games in the 14th Olympic Games in 1948 after the victory of World War II. During World War II, humans tasted the pain of fascist aggression, and their homeland was occupied and lost the pain of their loved ones, which also made humans more love peace and cherish peace.

Praying for peace is extraordinary

The opening ceremony of the 14th London Olympic Games in 1948, the opening ceremony of the Chinese team enrolled (photo board photo)

The 14th Olympic Games in 1948 was held in London, England. On the left is the ticket of the 14th London Olympic Games. The above figures are "Opening Ceremony" and "XIVTH OLYMPIAD". The photo on the right records the scene of the Chinese team attending the opening ceremony of the 14th London Olympics.

The 14th London Summer Olympic Torch and Olympic Torch to London in the 14th London Summer Olympic Games

The torch that witnessed the 14th London Summer Olympic Games is now treasured in the museum. The upper part of the torch is engraved with the words "London" and "1948". The hollowout is engraved with the Olympic five -ring pattern. The overall shape of the torch is simple and simple. Because in the first Olympic event after World War II, the entire Olympic flame relay is based on the theme of "peace". During the relay from Olympia to London, the torchbearers need to take off the military uniforms before receiving the torch, put down their weapons, wear it, and wear it. Only sportswear can start to pass the fire.

Humans and elbow to raise funds

Wang Zhengting (middle) of the Chinese Olympic delegation Wang Zhengting (middle) attended the opening ceremony of the 14th Olympic Games in London, UK on July 29, 1948

In 1948, China participated in the London Olympic Games. It was difficult and difficult. At that time, Chiang Kai -shek of the Kuomintang government Chiang Kai -shek fought a civil war and had no time to take care of the Olympic cause. He agreed to Wang Zhengting: "Despite the selection of athletes, the funds are good." Just when the Jiejin Association sent the funds for the Olympic Olympics to hope that when the National Government, Chiang Kai -shek defeated the fiscal deficit and did not fulfill his promise.

Funding is the biggest issue facing the Chinese delegation to the Austria in London. In desperation, the football team and the basketball team set off in advance. They went to Nanyang to make money by making money by playing games, but they eventually were widely collected and had to reduce their personnel. In this way, 33 athletes plus more than 20 staff members formed a Chinese delegation, and they were on the road in batches.

Sadly London's 归 怆 怆 怆

The Chinese football team of the 14th Olympic Games in 1948, the Chinese team of the Chinese team against the Turkish team

On the left is the 1948 Chinese football team participated in the 14th Olympic Games and took a photo in Hong Kong before departure. Among them, coach Li Huitang (the second in the picture above from left to middle), Shanghai player Zhang Banglun (from left to fifth from left to right), the two players in the 1940s of our country's football Zhang Banglun was in the Hong Kong Campaign in 1947. The 12 -yard of ball balls of Wang Li Huitang's penalty of Wang Li Huitang, which caused a sensation in Hong Kong and Shanghai. The one on the right was a ticket to the Turkish football team in the London Olympics in the 1948 London Olympics. Unfortunately, this game lost 0-4.

The London Olympic Games Basketball Games Chinese team against Chile (show board photo), the Chinese team against the Belgian team game scene

The report on the left recorded the 1948 London Olympic Games, the Chinese basketball team's first game Chile, lost 39 to 44; the picture on the right records the Chinese Basketball Team Belgium in Belgium win 36-34. Shanghai player Li Zhenzhong was one of the members of the Basketball Olympic team at that time. He remembered the experience of that period. "The Olympic Games was suspended in World War II. After such a long waiting, I finally fulfilled the Olympic dream at the London Olympic Games, but I also left a regret." At that time, the Chinese players entered the finals. Essence

At this point, from 1932, Liu Changchun went to the Los Angeles Olympic Games in 1932 to the London Olympics in 1948. The first three signs of the Chinese Olympic Games ended with tragedy and did not get a card.However, they are not losers.It was a turbulent chaos, and it was a weak and backward China.Wang Zhengting, Liu Changchun, Zhou Yuyu, Chen Baoqiu, and Huo Yuanjia. These sports people are looking for ways in the dark, forging ahead in the countercurrent, and practicing the dream of revitalizing the Chinese China with their personal efforts, and even presented their lives.There is a kind of sports in their arms, care carefully, and wait for the dawn of the new era.Text: "Olympic Shanghai Memory", "Shanghai Sports Blood", China Communist Party News Network

Figure: "Olympic Shanghai Memory", "Olympic Sports (Middle)", China Communist Party News Network, Shanghai Sports Museum Shop Board Photo

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