Xilingule League Forest Fire Detachment has carried out solid training in earthquake rescue technical training

Author:Inner Mongolia Forest Fire Time:2022.07.15

In order to further promote the team's earthquake rescue training, cultivate the power of the soldiers, enhance the level of earthquake rescue tactics, and continuously strengthen the standardization, scientific and professional construction of earthquake rescue, and refine the "hard skill" of earthquake rescue technology. Rescue technology training.

Experts teach the theoretical foundation

Hire a professional coaching team, combined with earthquake rescue expertise, teaching experience and actual combat cases, special counseling and teaching on various aspects such as earthquake rescue procedures, rescue operations and search and rescue marks. Coaches also conduct professional training for participating trainees on mechanical operations, architectural structures, collapse principles, emergency risk aversion, top support support, etc., not only conducting detailed demonstration points and operating procedures during the disposal process, but also at the same time The theoretical extension of the operation requirements and precautions, and the technology is deepened and penetrated.

Focus on actual combat and pay close attention to technical training

During the training, insist on starting from actual combat, combined with the technical foundation of the narrow space rescue, make full use of the existing facilities and equipment, closely follow the real earthquake scenarios, and set up multiple dangerous bureaus, crisis and difficult bureaus to strict standards, multi -subjects, quasi -actual combat combat Under the premise of carrying out multiple subjects such as wooden support technology, alien construction removal, shock -damaging building top support technology, narrow space disassembly rescue technology, etc., solidly carry out single -player independent operations, team cooperation combat, overall collaborative operations, etc. Training, focus on solving the commonality and difficulties in the process of earthquake rescue, and experience the random disposal, on -the -spot command and combat capabilities of the trainees.

Innovative training means to consolidate the training results

Participants installed practical training and transferred the classroom to the training ground. Through theoretical explanations, equipment introduction, demonstration, practical operations, summary and comment, etc., they comprehensively improved the ability to deal with various earthquake disaster accidents. Coaches summarize and comment on training in a timely manner, discuss each other, exchange experiences, consolidate and improve the results of training, and further improve the understanding of the trainees' understanding of the importance of earthquake emergency rescue work. In the future, an important role in the emergency rescue of earthquake disasters has laid a solid foundation.

In the next step, the detachment will continue to arrange in accordance with the training plan to conduct solid combat teaching and training for various types of disaster accidents and the required rescue skills, and gradually improve the team to dispose of various types of disaster accident rescue and rescue levels, highlight the entire process, full elements, and Real soldiers, installations, and real -life training in real scenes have effectively improved the ability to win in actual combat.

-Supervision —

Du Xianglong Pang Xinghang


Yao Shunyu Gao Yingbai

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