In the summer vacation after the "double reduction", they spent time in the sports summer camp 丨 anchor said that today's Da Wuhan

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.15

After the "double reduction" summer, how does Wuhan children play? What are your children's summer vacation? Today, let's talk about their wonderful summer vacation with the anchors.

"Running · Juvenile" 2022 Wuhan Youth Sports Summer Camp has received praise from parents. Many children in Wuhan spent in the summer camp. The children also said that the summer camp brought a good mood to their summer vacation ...

Today we are still paying attention

1. The results of the admission results of the junior high school in Wuhan Primary School!

2. From the 19th, 6 bus lines in Wuhan will temporarily adjust

3. "Great Wuhan Happy Summer" 9 events for free registration

For more details, please refer to the graphic version of "Today's Great Wuhan".

(Main creators | Zhao Ke)

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