[Reminder] Play water misunderstandings in the river, do n’t get a trick!

Author:Published by Hubei Time:2022.07.15

July 16th

This year's Wuhan Dujiang Festival is about to start

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In addition to feeling the summer charm of Jiangcheng

Pay more attention

Several misunderstandings of swimming in the river

Every summer, many citizens like to walk around the river, and even come up on the water steps of the river beach to play water, and feel the coolness of the Yangtze River. At this time, you have to be extra careful.

In the summer of the Yangtze River and the Hanjiang River, the flow rate can sometimes reach 6-8 meters per second, and the vortex of the vortex is prone to occur underwater. The river bed on the shore has potholes.

According to statistics, the high -incidence groups of swimming drowning accidents are generally men, young and middle -aged, and minors. Among them, foreign tourists, primary and secondary school students. Male young people are drowned because they are brave, pursue stimuli, and are too confident.

The Yangtze River is flowing water, and it is not like the static water like ponds or lakes. And there are many dark currents and reefs in the Yangtze River.

In June of this year, at the watershed in Wuchang, there was a foreign tourist who thought that the water nature did not listen to dissuade the dissuasion, and went directly to the water at the water outlet. Suddenly cramping during swimming. Fortunately ACCIDENT.

The riverside of the Wuchang embankment, the riverside of Hanyangmen, the River River River in Longwang Temple in the Jianghan District, the Gutian Bridge in the Gutou, and the Hanjiang River Bay. Due to the good geographical location and the convenient transportation, most citizens of swimming drama water are gathered. However, the proportion of swimming drowning accidents occurred in these waters, accounting for 90%of the total.

Because after the drowning, the drowning person has no time to make any sound, especially at night, it is difficult to ask for help and rescue.

The eight signs of the drowning people are silent

1. The drowning person will not call for help. They must be able to breathe first to speak. When drowning, the mouth will not surface in the water and then surface, there is no time to exhale or inhale, and the help.

2. The drowning person cannot wave for help. The drowning person will instinctively extend his arms to the sides and press down to make the mouth surface, and the child may stretch the arms forward. In short, they could not move towards the rescue person to move, or extended their hands to the rescue equipment.

3. The drowning person is upright in the water. Without kicking, they can only struggle for 20-30 seconds, and then sink.

4. The eyes are dull and cannot be focused or closed.

5. hair may be covered on the forehead or eyes.

6. The head is in the water, the mouth is on the surface; the head may lean back, the mouth opens, and the child's head may lean forward.

7. The most important sign of drowning is that it does not look like drowning. They may look just looking up at the sky, inter -shore, edge of the pool or pier. At this time, you have to ask, "Are you okay?" If they can answer, it is probably okay. At this time, if your eyes are scattered, it may only be less than half a minute of "life -saving time".

8. Children will make a lot of sound when they are in the water. When they find that the child is quiet and silent, they should check out what's going on. Sometimes, children are not as good as adults because of their physical strength, and they will not shoot the water or struggle like a TV series or movie performance. Instead, they seem to be lying or standing in the water. In fact, they have drowned. Lost consciousness, at this time, you should hold the child ashore ashore as soon as possible to ask for assistance. If you do n’t detect your child's wrong time in time, it ’s too late.

The Wuhan Water Public Security Bureau and the Wuhan Yangtze River Rescue Volunteer Team officially launched on June 1 this year to officially launch the "Two River" flood season in 2022 to start the drowning rescue linkage mechanism. , Longwang Temple River Beach Park and other more than 23 places are prone to drowning locations, and organize police forces to inspect more than 3 times every day. As of the end of June this year, the Water Public Security Branch has successfully rescued 39 people in the dangerous people.

But even so, the accident that can not be rescued by drowning cannot be rescued, so everyone must pay attention to safety when taking the water.

Police officer

The elderly, children, and people with diseases must not swim in the river.

Do not swim in remote time and remote areas, it is difficult to be rescued once dangerous.

Be sure to carry life -saving equipment when swimming to fight for more time for rescue.

Hubei released the official video number online

Welcome to follow

Source: Hubei Release, Ping An Wuhan

Edit: Chen Yaxi

- END -

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