2022 Summer Show Tour Guide Out: "Day Volume and Night" becomes a new standard for summer avoidance

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.07.16

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Liu Xingtong Correspondent Rao Sibi

Since entering the summer vacation, high -temperature red warnings have been released in many places, and "summer tourism" has become a topic of attention for the whole people.

On July 15th, the Tongcheng Travel and Ink Weather released the "2022 Summer Summer Summer Guide" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guide"), and analyzed and predict the summer shelter in 2022. It is pointed out that the "day house+night tour" method of "day -to -night and night" has become a new "standard" for summer travel.

"Summer" keyword search volume surge

Since July, it has benefited from multiple benefits, the summer travel and tourism consumption have steadily recovered, and traditional tourism hotspots such as tourism have returned quickly.

"Overall, this year's summer resorting market is still mainly leisure and vacation around the weekend. At the same time, the long -term summer avoidance and demand ends of supply and demand are significantly recovered." Cheng Chaolong, chief researcher at the Tongcheng Research Institute.

According to Tongcheng travel data, as of the morning of July 15th, the search volume with "summer avoidance" as the keyword increased by 127%month -on -month, and the heat of keywords related to summer -related keywords such as water world, drift, and forests has increased significantly.

Traditional summer target destinations are still a popular choice for this year.

In the distribution of the crowds, the post -90s and post -00s became the main force of the summer during the summer. Tour mountains and water, forest parks, seaside island, water world, and drift have become the most popular types of specialty summer scenic spots.

Chengdu, Beijing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Suzhou, Wuhan, Changsha, Changsha, Chongqing, Qingdao, and Dalian have become the top ten cities in the country with the most demand for summer heat protection.

Among them, the surroundings around the city, especially the high -speed rail 2 -hour transportation circle, is more popular. People tend to choose comprehensive resorts, rural tourism (homestay, farmhouse, etc.), large -scale theme parks, hydrophilic tourism, marine halls/museums, museums, museums, museums, museums, museums, museums, museums, museums, museums, museums, museums, museums, museums, museums, museums, museums, museums, museums, museums, museums, museums, museums, museums, museums, museums, Products such as ecological tours, resort camps in the suburbs.

Comprehensive ink weather provided in the next week of weather data and Tongcheng travel destination booking data, Guizhou Liupanshui, Hebei Chengde, Qinghai Xining, Jiangxi Lushan, Dali in Yunnan, Guizhou Qiannan, Lhasa, Tibet, Hulunbuel, Inner Mongolia, Altai, Xinjiang, Jilin Changbai Mountain, etc. The temperature is appropriate, and it has become a summer resort that has been respected by the mid -to -long inter -provincial tourism users this summer.

Night travel and cruise ship are favored, "day -to -night and night" becomes a new style of summer heat avoidance

In the schedule of travel time, the "House" hotel and shopping mall during the day, night tour, and city night tour in the at night have become the "standard" for summer travel.

Data show that in the face of high temperature weather, the city night tour, night cruise, and night tour of the scenic area after seven o'clock in the evening have become a popular choice for summer summer people. Compared with traditional travel, the richer "travel+" model is favored by young tourists.

"This summer, the recovery of the long -term summer tourism has led to the recovery of the traditional summer of the summer destination. Popularity has also led to the recovery of the city's night consumption. "Cheng Chaolong analyzed.

Tongcheng travel surveys show that more than 80%of users believe that the summer tourism cannot miss the night tour of the local city. Street cuisine, city beauty, scenic performance, suitable temperature, and relaxation are the main reasons for their choice of summer night tour.

As most of the domestic scenic spots have opened the night venue, while feeling cool at night, you can also enjoy the beauty of different cities during the day. Therefore, night tour has become a new fashion for some users.

Ink weather data shows that in the next week, the temperature at the night of the destination of Liupanshui, Xining, Dali and other destinations will be between 15 ° C-25 ° C.

In addition to the night market and scenic spots, the night cruise ship has also become a hot summer choice.

Data show that Taizhou Fengcheng River Painting, Hangzhou Beijing -Hangzhou Grand Canal cruise ship, Yichang Yangtze Night Travels, Changsha Xiangjiang Cruise Orange Star, Suzhou Jinji Lake Cruise, has become the hottest urban night cruise product since the summer.

Young people love to avoid summer innovation gameplay

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Editor -in

School Division | Li Hongyu

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