There will be no pie in the sky. These fund -raising traps "Please bypass"

Author:Jiaozuo Daily Time:2022.07.16

Illegal fundraising is a financial activity of illegal criminal crimes, seriously damage the legitimate rights and interests of the people, and undermine economic and financial order and the overall social stability. Our city has implemented the "Regulations on Prevention and Disposal illegal Funding", guiding the people to strengthen the awareness of "not falling into pie in the sky, participating in fund -raising with traps", consciously resist illegal fund -raising, and keep the money bags.

What is illegal fund -raising

According to the "Regulations on Prevention and Disposal", illegal fund -raising refers to a promise to repay the funding for interest rates or gives other investment returns without permission or violation of national financial management regulations in accordance with the law or violates the regulations of the State Council. Behavior.

Illegal fund -raising behavior needs to have the following three elements at the same time:

Illegality: Without the permission of the financial management department of the State Council in accordance with the law or violating the national financial management regulations;

Raiders: Promise to repay the principal and interest or give other investment returns;

Socialist: absorb funds to unspecified objects.

The main manifestation of illegal fundraising

Illegal fundraising activities involve wide content and diverse performance forms.

1. Establish Internet companies, investment and investment consulting companies, various trading venues or platforms, farmers' professional cooperatives, fund mutual assistance organizations, and other organizations absorb funds;

2. In the name of issuing or transferring equity, debt, fundraising funds, selling insurance products, or in the name of various types of asset management, virtual currency, and financial leasing business;

3. In business activities such as sales, services, investment projects, etc., absorb funds in the form of paying money, equity, and physical rewards in the form of commitments;

4. In violation of laws, administrative regulations or relevant state regulations, publicize and absorb funding information through mass communication media, instant communication tools or other methods;

5. Other acts suspected of illegal fundraising.

Four common methods of illegal fundraising

The first is to promise high returns. The myth of the criminals fabricated the myth of "falling out of the sky" and "one night to become a rich man" promised investors to return high. In order to deceive more people to participate in the fundraising, illegal fundraising often fulfills the principal and interest of the commitment on time in the early stages of fundraising. After the funding of the funding reaches a certain scale, the constipation transfers funds or absconds to carry the funds, causing the fundraising participants to suffer economic losses.

The second is to build false projects. Most of the criminals have compiled various false projects in response to national industrial policies and conducting entrepreneurial innovation through registered companies or enterprises to respond to national industrial policies and carry out entrepreneurial innovation. Some even organize free travel and inspection to deceive the public trust.

The third is to build momentum with false propaganda. Criminals often spend thousands of dollars in publicity, hire celebrities endorsements, celebrities platforms, publish advertisements on major radio and televisions, and Internet media, publish interview articles on famous newspapers, hire people widely to distribute leaflets, and make social donations to create to create, manufacturing False momentum.

The fourth is to use affection to seduce. Some illegal fund -raising participants, in order to complete or increase their performance, sometimes adopt the method of MLM, and use their affection and geographical relationships to make up their own lies to obtain high returns, win the addition of relatives, classmates, or neighbors, so that participants will spread quickly The scale of fund -raising has continued to expand.

Jiaozuo Daily All Media Reporter Du Ling organized

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