New Era of Endering New Year ourselves | Unblocked the city's "blood vessels" to ensure safe travel Time:2022.07.16

Dongying Daily/Aida Camp News In order to consolidate the achievements of the national civilized cities in our city and strengthen the management of electric vehicles, the Dongying Traffic Police Brigade has the courage to open up and innovate, dare to explore practice, grasp the safety of transportation and the city's unstable. "Team Police Room", creating a "5 -minute police circle" in the central urban area.

Relying on the "Mounted Police Police Room", the traffic police office is set near the Yellow River theater of Fuqian Street, and the police force is scheduled for 24 hours on duty. At the same time, in order to give full play to the flexible advantages of motorcycles, the brigade takes patrol management and accurate blows as its main means to implement a flexible service model with mobile patrols and a supplemented by fixed -point. The grid patrol prevention and control mechanism of covering "covers" improves the ability of urban areas to be blocked and preserved, and improves the ability of serving the masses and cracking down on traffic violations. Up to now, 376 "three meetings and one -file" of the electric tricycles have been completed, and more than 2600 illegal acts such as electric bicycles retrograde and unable to wear helmets.

In -depth promotion of riding electric bicycles to wear safety helmets guarding operations, with the strong support of the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Human Resources Department of Dongying Economic and Technological Development Zone, and Municipal Volunteer Association, conduct civilized traffic persuasion every weekend, and implement a new type of civilized persuasion model , Promote the integration of grass -roots governance resources, strength integration, functional aggregation, and comprehensive means.

During the event, for drivers who did not wear helmets, the persuasion personnel reminded them of the public account of the "Dongying Traffic Police Brigade" public account. After paying attention, the public account automatically popped up the "Management Measures for Electric Bicycles in Shandong Province" and an electric vehicle traffic accident. related information. During the peak hours, you can release it after paying attention to the public account, and require him to watch the electric bicycle warning education film on time. During the flat hours, you can give it away after watching the educational film on the spot. As of now, the 47th issue of civilized traffic persuasion has been successfully carried out, from the initial pilot intersection to 9 persuasion points. After the persuasion of civilized transportation, the alarm rate and the management rate of the weekend have increased significantly. The incidence of non -motorized traffic violations of road surfaces has effectively decreased. Pedestrian compliance rates and electric bicycle helmets have significantly improved.

The brigade also actively promotes the technical application of signal optimization and improvement. Through the technical optimization methods such as refined matching, green wave coordination, regional control, anti -overflow control, and fast -moving rapidly, the signal of 24 roads and 330 cross -port under its jurisdiction can be achieved. Coordinated control, opened up the obstruction of the main roads in the urban area, and realized the "green wave belt". According to statistics, compared with the optimization, the schedule of the region under the jurisdiction of the brigade decreased by 36.03%, the peak congestion index fell by 21.6%, the traffic delay decreased by 10.54%, and the quality of the urban area increased significantly.

(Reporter Jia Chongxiao)

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