Red ears into group pets!The boss and employee watched it incubated into a bird, and saw it soaring in his wings

Author:Shenzhen Evening News Time:2022.07.16

There is a osmanthus tree that is less than two meters tall at the entrance of the Shenzhen FAW Factory. This not tall tree is watched by a couple of red ears. They built nests on the osmanthus tree, eggs were off eggs, and birds hatched. The young bird also successfully left the nest on the morning of July 15. Recalling the scene of the day and night in the past month, the owner of the auto repair factory Pan Gang Ping Baiyong intersects.

Shock: Bird's Nest appeared in osmanthus trees

Pan Xiangping's auto repair factory has been in a large courtyard on Meiqing Road, Merlin Street. It has been operating for more than ten years. The factory area is not large and can stop four or five cars. The osmanthus tree is planted by boss Pan. It is outside the rolling door. It is nourished by natural rain dew and grows well.

On the morning of June 20, a employee of the Auto Repair Factory told Pan Gangping that there was a bird's nest. Pan Bangping did not believe it. In the impression, the bird's nest is generally built in high branches, like this tree that is similar to an adult, which is reasonable to attract the birds to build the nest. But when he seized the gaps of the branches and leaves, he clearly saw the bird's nest close at hand. The bird's nest has a bowl of mouth, and there are 3 bird eggs in the nest. The scene in front of him made this thick man a little more doubtful. Of course, Pan Gangping is more happy. He thought: "Well poultry to choose wood and live!"

Pan Gang, who had raised birds before, had a little understanding of the birds. He recognized the owner of the bird's nest as a pair of red ears. Pan Gangping ordered colleagues in the auto repair plant to try not to disturb them during work. When a client came to repair the car to repair the car, he would also tell customers not to watch and try to create a good ecological environment for the birds.

▲ Hearing the cry of the young bird, the pro -bird has been guarding the young bird. Shenzhen Evening News reporter Luo Ming Photo

Hi: Bird Baby was born

The small bird's nest brought a lot of happiness to the car repair manufacturer and Pan Gangping's family, and also made them a little more concerned.

In addition, the employees of the auto repair plant often go to the osmanthus tree to see the bird's nest and see the bird eggs. Some time ago, Shenzhen was abundant, and the typhoon "Siaba" also brought strong weather. A young man in the auto repair factory was worried that the bird's nest could not help but blow the wind and rain, so he found a plastic bag and wanted to put a layer of protective cover for the bird's nest. But I did not expect that the couple of the red ears were not appreciated. As long as people approached the bird's nest, they were driven with wings and claws. In order to set this layer of protective cover, several employees have eaten a lot of "hardships".

On July 7, Pan Gangping discovered that the three young birds broke the shell. He immediately told the daughter of the kindergarten. This is the "command" of her daughter. She has been paying attention to the Bird's Nest, who has long agreed to Pan Gang Ping, asking him to tell the baby the baby to be born as soon as possible.

Looking at her daughter's cheer and careful look, Pan Gangping looked like he ate honey. The Bird's Nest of the Auto Repair Factory has long sucked his fans and his daughter. Every time my daughter comes to the factory, her father hugs to see the bird's nest. And Pan Gang's lover is transformed into a bird -viewing master, and carefully records the daily life of the bird's nest with pictures and videos.

Watching the red ears and his wife flew back to the bird's nest from time to time, watching the three bird babies eating food, everyone was very happy. Let the young birds grow up healthy, it is not just the wish of red ears.

▲ On July 7, three red ears broke the shell. Pan Gang Ping Photo Confession

鸟: The last young bird flew away

On July 9, Pan Gangping deliberately shot a video and sent a circle of friends as a memorial. In the text, he wrote: The red -ears can build a nest on the small tree in front of the repair shop. It is the blessing of the repair plant. I hope that the baby bird will grow peacefully.

But things are contrary to their wishes. On July 12, Pan Gangping suddenly discovered that there was only one young bird left in the bird's nest. He searched for a long time on the osmanthus tree, and did not see the two other birds. Pan Gangping speculated that it might be eaten by wild cats or mice. After all, the height of Bird's Nest is not very difficult for greedy stakers.

After sighing, Pan Gangping and the employees were more tight to the bird's nest. They hope that the only young bird will grow up soon.

On the morning of the 14th, Pan Gangping discovered that the winged young birds fluttered with wings and thought of standing up. Pan Gangping realized that the birds were about to leave the nest. When he was happy for the young bird, he felt more reluctant in his heart.

The process of young birds from the nest is also a twisting. At the beginning, the Bird Bo Fan fell on the ground without flying out of half a meter. Pan Gangping put the young bird falling on the ground again in the nest. The red ears seem to know his goodwill and have no attack. Within two hours, the young bird tried to fly twice, and the farthest flight was nearly 4 meters. Finally, at the fourth time, the young bird flew to a big tree outside the wall with his parents.

▲ On the afternoon of the 14th, after the young bird failed to leave the nest, Pan Gangping put him back on the osmanthus tree again. Shenzhen Evening News reporter Luo Ming Photo

Just when everyone thought that the young bird would never appear, it may be to make up for the regret that the reporter failed to "interview" in the late night. The young bird was discovered by the employee that afternoon. At that time, it drilled into the chassis of a car. For the safety of young birds, Pan Gangping held it up again and placed it beside the bird's nest. The young bird stands on the branches for a long time, which may be the learning flying, which consumes too much physical strength.

In the early morning of the 15th, Pan Gangping, who rushed to the auto repair factory early in the morning, sent a line to the late night reporter: Bird, and finally flew away.

Shenzhen Evening News reporter Luo Ming

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