The establishment meeting of the standardization technical committee of the Agricultural Ecology and Rural Construction of Hubei Province was held in Han

Author:Pole news Time:2022.07.16

Polar News

Correspondent Liu Youmei

On July 15, the establishment of the establishment of the standardization technical committee of the Agricultural Ecology and Rural Construction of Hubei Province and the first meeting of all members were held at the Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The members of the bidding committee are composed of professionals from government departments, university scientific research units and agricultural enterprises from Hubei Province, Huazhong Agricultural University, and Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The establishment of the bidding committee will enhance the level of revision of the standard system in the field of agricultural ecology and rural construction in Hubei Province, promote the implementation of relevant standards, and promote the sustainable and high -quality development of Hubei agriculture.

Activity site

At the meeting, Xu Qinxiang, director of the Standardization Division of the Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, read the documents of the provincial agricultural ecology and rural construction standardization technical committee, and the participating leaders issued certificates to members. It is reported that the bidding committee aims to give play to the role of experts and carry out the standardization of the green prevention and control technology of major crops and grass pests, the ecological protection of cultivated land resource, agricultural facial source pollution, and the management of agricultural informatization and rural construction.

Activity site

Gu Jinsong, a second -level inspector of the Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, put forward guidance on the work of the bidding committee, requesting a sound and improvement of standard system, building a standardized activity of agricultural ecology and rural construction, and becoming a driving force for the development of standardization.

Yang Yuanyuan, deputy dean of the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, expressed warm congratulations to the establishment of the bidding committee and extended a warm welcome to the arrival of members. She introduced the basic situation of the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the main work of the "Thirteenth Five -Year Plan" and the work ideas of the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan". Yangyuanyuan emphasized that the provincial agricultural ecology and rural construction bidding committee is an important part of the Hubei Provincial Standardization Technical Committee, an important platform for the role of experts in the field of agricultural ecological standardization. For important teams, the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences will take the establishment of the bidding committee as an opportunity to pay more attention to the formulation, publicity and implementation and implementation of agricultural standards. Support to provide support guarantees for the smooth operation of the bidding committee.

Li Shiwei, an investigator of the Agricultural Products Quality and Safety Supervision Department of the Provincial Agricultural and Rural Department, further clarified the duties of the provincial agricultural ecology and rural construction standardization technical committee, and put forward guidance on how to carry out work.

标委会主任委员、华中农业大学党委副书记姚江林表示,将带领全体委员共同做好湖北省农业生态和农村建设领域标准化工作的咨询员、运动员、裁判员和宣传员,在标准立项、评审、 Formulate and propagate and implement various aspects to play the role of think tanks to contribute to the construction of Hubei Agricultural Standard Standards. He presided over the first meeting of all members, reviewed and passed the "Articles of Association of the Agricultural Ecology and Rural Construction Standardization Technical Committee" and "Hubei Provincial Agricultural Ecology and Rural Construction Standardization Technical Committee Work Details".

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