"After more than ten years, I know that my cousin is right and right" -Afold youth in China ask for study in China

Author:Xinhua News Agency Time:2022.07.16

In the summer of 2007, the Chinese and African Republic graduated from Xishi River High School. When he hesitated whether he was going to France, Canada, or Zambia, his cousin who returned from China suggested that he go to China, "because China has a better future."

"After more than ten years, I know my cousin is right and right." Siwa River said.

In 2008, the Xiwa River embarked on the road to school to study in China. In Jiamusi University in Heilongjiang Province, he has excellent grades, obtained a Chinese government scholarship many times, and finally obtained a bachelor's and master's degree. During the school, he also met the person he loved and got married in Harbin in 2016, becoming a Chinese son -in -law.

Subsequently, under the recommendation of the instructor, the Xishi River came to Hefei University of Technology for a PhD in business management. "The English, French and Chinese are fluent and enthusiastic, so he has become a good bridge between international students and teachers." Said Hu Mengjie, deputy dean of the School of International Education of Hefei University of Technology.

On June 2 this year, the Siwa River successfully completed the doctoral dissertation defense. After witnessing China's development and changes over the past decade, he has strengthened his determination to stay in China. "At least in the next few years, I will continue to develop in China. I hope to become a bridge for China -Africa cooperation and exchanges to introduce more Chinese companies to Africa and bring more African products to China." Siwa The river said.

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