Henan Shangqiu: Let the first -class business environment a "new logo"

Author:Internet message Shangqiu Time:2022.07.16

In the garden -like factory area, the cicada was accompanied by the roar of the production workshop machine to play a fiery production music. Looking at a container truck with full -loaded products, the general manager of Guo Qi, general manager of Shangqiu Xinglin Electronic Industry Co., Ltd., Henan Province, was sentimental.

"Since this year, our company has always been in a full -load production state, and the output value of two consecutive quarters has increased. It is expected that sales and profit tax this year will increase significantly compared with last year." Guo Qixue's foundation originates from a good camp in Shangqiu City, Henan Province. The business environment, "In the" Enterprise Service Day "of each month, the main leaders of the city and districts have personally, for our company to relieve difficulties, the relevant functional departments actively serve and actively act, provide strong support for the development of the enterprise, inspire the company's development, inspire the development of the enterprise development, which has stimulated it. Our production vitality. "

The business environment is optimized, and the rectification and implementation will be accelerated. In order to continue to optimize the business environment and consolidate the results of the optimization of the business environment, on May 25 this year, the Shangqiu Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government of Henan Province issued the "Special Rectification Work Plan for the Business Environment in Shangqiu City" (hereinafter referred to as the "Work Plan" ), Carry out a 4 -month special rectification activity. The "Work Plan" aims to further implement the central, Henan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, and Shangqiu Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government on optimizing the arrangement of the business environment, deepen the reform of "decentralization of management uniforms", and further rectify the key areas of the business environment. The behavior of the Business Environment Regulations investigated and dealt with a group of typical cases of damage to the business environment, thoroughly opened up the "last mile" and solve the "mid -obstruction" problem, and made the first -class business environment a "new logo" for Shangqiu City.

The deputy secretary of the Shangqiu Municipal Party Committee and the mayor said to Yang that optimizing the business environment is not better, and it is a long way to go. In the city of Shangqiu City, in accordance with the attitude and determination to be responsible to the people, the responsibility for the development, and the history of history, the city must unify the thinking and actions to the work requirements of the municipal party committee and the municipal government. The first experience and the satisfaction of the masses are the first criteria, and resolutely win the "tough battle" and "turn -over battle" of optimizing the business environment.

Help the company to relieve it and stimulate the vitality of the corporate

"Our company is an export enterprise. The company's discontinued production will not only bring economic losses to the company, but more importantly, it will lose orders and customers. The doctrine, a sudden outbreak in April this year, he realized that the company soon encountered the situation that "the car that pulled raw materials could not get in and the car sent the product could not get out".

Guo Qixue immediately expressed his concerns in the "Urban and Rural Integrated Demonstration Zone Enterprise Enterprise Enterprises" in Shangqiu City, Henan Province. After understanding the situation, the relevant leaders and persons in charge of the functional departments of the Shangqiu City Integrated Demonstration Zone in Henan Province understood the situation, and coordinated the problem of vehicle traffic that he was worried about as soon as possible.

"There is no delay in production for a day." In the WeChat group of Guo Qixue's feedback, whether it is enterprise employment, electricity, water, or financing, and even small water in the factory area, as long as the person in charge of the enterprise can get a reply soon.

The business environment is good or bad, and the enterprise has the most right to speak. "In recent years, Shangqiu's business environment has continued to optimize, and it is getting better and better." Guo Qixue, a special supervisor of the business environment of Shangqiu City, Henan Province, said with a thumbs up.

Henan Hanshan Crop Protection Co., Ltd., located in Puyang District, Shangqiu City, Henan Province, tasted the "big sweetness" in the continuous optimization of the business environment of Shangqiu.

"In the first half of this year, the output value of our company rose against the market, an increase of 25%!" Bai Hexin, deputy general manager of the company, said excitedly that during the Spring Festival this year, it was the most difficult time for them to work. The relevant departments of Liyang District of the city organized a special job fair for them. No development confidence? "

There is something in the enterprise, I should respond; relieves difficulties and stimulates vitality. In order to win the 2022 optimized business environment, the Shangqiu Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government of Henan Province and achieved the goal of first -class business environment, formulated a plan for improving the tackling operation, and determined 140 tasks of 28 tackling indicators. Tackling. At the same time, in order to thoroughly implement the spirit of optimizing the business environment in Henan Province and the work of "10,000 people to help 10,000 enterprises", promote the spirit of the television conference call, and effectively implement the policy of the central, provincial, and municipalities, and alleviate the impact of market entities due to epidemic conditions on market entities , Shangqiu City has completely investigated and dealt with market entities such as inaction, random inspections, and disrupting market order in the key areas of business environment. ", Completely eradicate the" tumor "that affects the physical health of the business environment. Through special rectification activities, it will further boost corporate confidence in Shangqiu City, Henan Province, effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of various market entities, stimulate the inner vitality of market entities, and escort the economic market.

Zhou Shiqun, director of the Standing Committee of the Shangqiu Municipal People's Congress and the leading group leader of the special area of ​​the municipal business environment, said that to carry out special governance activities in key areas of business environment, we must make determination, punch fist, lower medicine, and do it solidly, solid, and solid, and do it solidly. For a long time, the masses and market players really feel real results and changes.

Special rectification, open "mid -obstruction"

Optimizing the business environment, focusing on serving enterprises, service companies are service development.

Serving enterprises should not only pay attention to details, but also work on the word "fast" to make articles on the word "good". A few days ago, Gao Jianfeng, deputy general manager of Shangqiu Zhijian Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Henan Province, applied for a company on the Internet, and completed the approval process in less than half an hour.

When Gao Jianfeng was lamenting "the efficiency was really fast", the staff of the Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of the Shangqiu City Administrative Service Center in Henan Province called him to call him, reminding him that he could take his ID card to the corresponding window to receive licenses in time.

The evaluation of this matter, in Gao Jianfeng's words: "It's small, warm heart."

"I applied online. According to the process, I should check it myself within 3 working days. I didn't expect the staff to call me again." It was not just this thing that made Gao Jianfeng warm. He said, "During this year's epidemic, our company applied for technical reform projects and needed paper to report materials. We haven't taken it yet.

The business environment is an important foundation for building a modern economic system and consolidating high -quality development. It is a comprehensive manifestation of a regional government environment, rule of law environment, and market environment.

Precise efforts, promoting special advancement, and focusing on dredging the difficulties, pain points, and blocking points in the business environment, and to open up the "medium obstruction" of the business environment with "hard constraints". According to the requirements of the Work Plan, Shangqiu City, Henan Province, has carried out inaction and chaos as a special rectification activity in the field of government services, law enforcement judicial fields, and market environment.

The issues of special rectification in the field of government service are: lack of service awareness; illegal administrative examination and approval intermediary services; and improving the threshold for government services without authorization. The scope of special rectification in the field of law enforcement and judicial is: illegal law enforcement; unlicensed law enforcement behavior; excessive inspection affects normal business activities of market entities; abuse of compulsory measures; uncivilized law enforcement. Special rectification in the market environment includes: setting the threshold for market access without authorization; harming the legitimate rights and interests of market entities.

It will end, and the future can be expected. Through steady and orderly carrying out a four -month special rectification activity, Shangqiu City, Henan Province, will definitely create a good business environment that is safe, stable, unified, open, open, transparent, fair, fair, convenient, and expected.

The measure is effective to ensure the effectiveness of the results

Investigate and deal with a group of typical cases of illegal business environment, promote reform with the case, improve the supervision mechanism, promote the improvement of work style, improve work efficiency; firmly establish the people -centered development concept, strengthen legal thinking, and mind the "Optimization of the Regulations on the Business Environment" Awe -inspiring, eliminating wayward inspection, wayward law enforcement and other issues. This is the practical effect of special rectification activities for the special rectification activities of the business environment in Shangqiu City, Henan Province.

The steps are constantly reflecting the original intention. Since October last year, there have been 9 cases of business environment complaints at the city level of Shangqiu City, Henan Province, and 2 of them are not accepted. Two pieces are being handled.

Vision can only be achieved in implementation; results can be reflected in implementation.

In the "special rectification work", Shangqiu City, Henan Province, clarified the direction of the business environment, and required the establishment of a long -term system and mechanism to ensure the actual effect.

—— Strengthen leadership. Establish a special rectification activities for special rectification activities in the business environment of Shangqiu City, Henan Province. Each county (city, district) and relevant units set up corresponding organizational leadership and leading organizations and work institutions to ensure that the "special rectification work" is effectively and effectively advanced.

——Plorded inspection. Relevant units in Shangqiu City, Henan Province have strengthened the supervision and inspection of "special rectification work" to ensure in -depth and solid advancement. The office of the city, county (city, district) optimizing the business environment will jointly expose and notify units with poor supervision and supervision departments to increase supervision and supervision departments. Responsibility.

—— Strengthen supervision. According to the arrangement of the Standing Committee of the Shangqiu Municipal Party Committee of Henan Province, the Supervision Committee of the Shangqiu Municipal Party Committee followed up and promoted the effect of promoting the promotion time nodes. Units with insufficient attention, poor organizational, and lack of rectification effects must be supervised by reporting, interviews, etc. to ensure practical results.

The water is deep, and the city is strong and the city is Jiaxing. Optimizing the business environment is not just "ordering" and "serving" in the government, but also the government needs the government to "lead the lamp" and "drive leading". The special rectification activities in key areas of the business environment will definitely promote the increasingly purified business environment of Shangqiu City, Henan Province, and the first -class business environment will also become the "new logo" of Shangqiu City. power. (Guangming Daily client)

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