[Inspection and inspection] Qiongzhong: Business on the podium supervision on the upper platform

Author:Beneneo Time:2022.07.16

"Make a good enough method of inspection and inspections of‘ 12+N ’to conduct is an important starting point for conducting good inspections and supervision ...” Recently, members of the Qiongzhong County Party Committee ’s inspection office took turns to the pilot to teach the cadres.

2022 is the "capacity enhancement year". The Qiongzhong County Party Committee's inspection office takes this as an opportunity to focus on the principle of "lack of, what to make up" around the principle of "lack of, what to supplement", and to normalize the training of inspection business, and strive to make up for the work of inspection cadres at work at work. The exposed shortcomings such as insufficient political inspections and insufficient accurate supervision capabilities.

The training of the Qiongzhong County Party Committee's inspection office adopts the method of "centralized teaching+on -site communication+field visits". Before each round of inspections, the county party inspection office organized personnel to teach for inspection cadres, including political theory learning, inspection plan interpretation, and supervision workflow. During the inspection, the members of the inspection office used the "package group" method, at least 2 times a week, and went to the first line of inspections and the problems and clues found by the inspection cadres on -site exchanges and answering questions.

In order to strengthen the training effect, the Inspection Office selected key people's livelihood issues such as medical treatment, rescue and minimal protection, and other key people's livelihood issues found in inspections. Let the training results be better service supervision and practice, and achieve two promotion of training and supervision.

It is understood that since 2022, the Qiongzhong County Party Committee's inspection agencies have carried out a total of 3 centralized lectures and 4 on -site teaching. In the first round of inspections of the 14th county party committee, inspection cadres went deep into the grass -roots research and visited 94 departments, and found 19 issues that people such as education, medical care, and social security of the elderly. 20 people, the first round of inspections have achieved good results, and the effect of the inspection sword is even more prominent.

"In the second half of the year, the inspection institutions of the Provincial Party Committee will organize 15 training. We will actively participate in online learning in accordance with actual organization cadres, promote the improvement of inspection cadres with inspection power, and promote the quality and efficiency of supervision." People say. (Correspondent: Huang Chunyan)

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