What happened to Xiaotian?

Author:China News Weekly Time:2022.07.16

Enterprises must not be rushed to find success

Recently, the small genius telephone watch was exposed to "induced minors consumption" and the "self -applied market recommendation market for the application market to involve violence and violence", which was pushed to the forefront.

Xiaotiancai officially issued the "Rectification Announcement" recently: the application software that contains bad content will never be on the shelf for related software, and it will conduct a comprehensive and strict investigation work, and strengthen the classification standards for the applicable software.

"No matter where you are, a phone call can be found immediately." In 2015, the advertisement of the small genius telephone watch was all over the country. The song of the "Smurfs" cartoon plus brainwashing advertisements, once the small genius telephone watch was launched, the shipment volume in the first year was as high as 1.076 million units. As of 2020, the cumulative sales volume of small genius phone watches exceeded 20 million.

"Induction paid" causes controversy

Recently, the small genius telephone watch was exposed to "inexplicably deducted fees and parents' complaints". According to a future network report, a parent from Beijing Haidian District found that there are game apps built into the game in the small genius phone watch bought for their children. A variety of skin malls and games can be "consumed". A parent from Tianjin said that on June 11, when the child used a small genius telephone watch, he opened the Zhi Pap Academy APP and was inexplicably detained for 299 yuan. Inquiry about the relevant transaction records only showed the "Little Genius Application Center".

Some parents also feedback to China News Weekly. During the use of watches, the children opened the two apps of the Dragon Dragon and Zhixong Manor. They wanted to turn off and finally completed the deduction. The annual VIP cost was 402 yuan. In this process, the paid was confirmed by the parent's mobile payment, and the parents did not receive any reminders.

China News Weekly asked the official flagship store of Xiaoyi to ask if there is a paid app, and the customer service responded: "The telephone watch is mainly calling, positioning and chatting, helping parents to contact the children at any time, and there will be no functions of games and Internet." Under the questioning, the customer service added that there are free resources and paid resources in the mall, but paid requires parents to scan the code. APPs such as the Zhi Dai Academy feedback from the above parents have been removed from the shelves.

However, among many online sales channels, small genius sales materials still focus on "more high -quality apps", including APPs such as Jimmy Cat English, which are complained.

Little genius is not the earliest player to enter the children's smart watch track. As early as 2013, Qihoo 360 announced the launch of the "360 Children Guardian" bracelet. Sogou, Huawei, HKUST Xunfei, and Xiaomi also entered the game. His children's watch. In addition, in the field of children's telephone watches, it is also divided into two categories: brand and white brand. Small genius is the first place in the market share in brand products. White brand products are mainly low -priced, generally cottage and workshop production. In fact, a large number of low -priced cottage products also have large hidden safety hazards.

"CCTV exposed children's smart watches to" walking voyeur "during 315 this year, with large information security hazards and insufficient privacy protection. After being exposed, some brand children's telephone watches quickly maintain the APP. The purpose is to listen to remote monitoring remote monitoring When the content is removed, "a senior practitioner pointed out that the loopholes in content and security are not uncommon in the industry. This time, the problem of small genius products is not a case.

In the opinion of Liu Quan, director of the Institute of Cyber ​​Network Security, Xiaotian's move not only affects the physical and mental health of minors, but also suspected of serious violations of laws and regulations. Earlier, the small genius' product publicity stated that each content was conducted before the shelves were on the shelves, but there were still cases of yellowing, false advertisements and induction of payment, which reflected its inadequate review and supervision, and the internal audit process of the platform's platform. There are serious loopholes.

Behind the side ball and patent lawsuit

According to the "Civil Code", "minors over eight years old to restrict the ability of civil behavior, implement civil legal acts, or agree and recognize by their legal agents or their legal agents"; Those who have no ability of civil behavior shall implement civil legal acts by their legal agents. "

Chen Wenming, director of Zhejiang Xiaode Law Firm, pointed out that the applicable population of small genius watches is 5-12 years old. Children who restrict behavior or unsatisfactory ability can not make civil behavior beyond their cognition. Small genius watch users who have abnormal deductions can discuss with the relevant parties, complain to the regulatory authorities, or ask the merchant to return related funds in a lawsuit.

In the above incidents, many parents found that these adverse content APPs cannot be restricted in remote control and "cannot be prohibited." There are about a thousand complaints about small genius on the black cat complaint platform, which is about induced payment and other content.

In addition, on the Chinese referee document network, China News Weekly found a referee document involving the company's company, Guangdong Xiaogei Technology Co., Ltd., with as many as 170 articles. Multiple cases involved exterior design patents and trademark rights disputes. In terms of small geniuses, many companies constitute sales infringement, and asked the defendant company to stop the patent and compensate for economic losses.

Behind the side ball and patent disputes, the children's smart watch track is actually increasingly crowded.

According to public data, from 2015 to 2020, the demand for children's smart watches increased year by year, with a compound annual growth rate of more than 30%. Little genius telephone watch is the leader in the segment track. In 2021, its shipments reached 6.37 million yuan, ranking fourth in global. However, in the first quarter of 2022, the sales of children's smart watches in China declined, and Xiaotian ranked seventh, from 4.9%in the previous year to 3.4%. Some analysts pointed out that small geniuses have been affected by products such as Huawei and Xiaomi, and their market share has declined. "The core function of children's telephone watches is calling positioning and guaranteeing safety. Many children living in first -tier and second -tier cities are online at home. The demand for software has increased, and it is urgent to develop some explosive software needed by children to attract children and eager to retrieve the lost market share.

Zheng Yi, president of the Shenzhen Intelligent Wear Industry Association, pointed out that children's smart watches have developed rapidly in recent years. The core technology is the chip in the watch. Fierce competition. "Now that you have actually come to a new stage of development, you should think more about the industry's ecological problems, rather than maintaining market position through old technology."

How to build a "protective wall"

According to data, the number of children aged 5-12 at the current in China is 170 million, and the market penetration rate of smart children's watches has reached 30%. It can be said that one of the three children wearing a phone watch. And children's telephone watches are mainly distributed in families in first- and second -tier cities. In the sinking market, the penetration rate is not enough, and there is still a small space in the future.

Senior engineer Yuan Bo pointed out that the industry's supervision is still in the early stage, and large companies are strictly supervised, and small companies are regulatory blind spots. The reason is that the investment in the audit will be very large, and some small enterprises are commercial interests supremacy, and naturally there will be loopholes.

"The main responsibility reflected by the parents this time is the manufacturer. At present, the main responsible party of the content and software is the company itself. There should be a pre -installed inspection in daily life to review and list software and content. In addition, in terms of payment, in terms of payment Parents can give their children a certain amount of authorization, which will inevitably generate consumption. "Zheng Yi said that the industry association has also organized some information security guidance before, but did not have too many clear stipulation in software and content. Essence

Liu Quan pointed out that the management and settings of children's smart watches and tablets such as Hills and other applications should comply with the provisions of the "Minor Protection Law", "Advertising Law", "Prevention of Minor Crime Law", and "Regulations for the Management of Online Publishing Services" and other laws and regulations. Essence

Relevant departments have carried out special operations such as "Clear and Summer Minor Network Environmental Reform", and advertising pop -ups in educational software have been effectively controlled. Liu Quan's analysis, for hardware such as children with learning functions, tablets and other hardware, because it cannot be clearly determined that it is a learning and education product, there are such hardware playing "wiping balls" and "covering" for illegal and illegal apps.

Chen Wenming told China News Weekly that according to the "Protection Law of the Minor", "Any organization, individual production or individual produce or sell, rent or spread prostitution, violence, murder and other poisonous books such as minors, or other ways Newspapers, audiovisual products, electronic publications, and network information ", regardless of legal or moral perspective, this is what the manufacturer should have, and it is also the bottom line and the most basic requirements that related products should strictly abide by.

He suggested that parents should purchase children's smart watches through regular channels and retain their purchase credentials. If there is a quality problem in the product, please deal with it as soon as possible; when selecting a product, you can choose a new generation of products and have more secure and quality guarantees.

However, only the protection of parents is not enough.

He Yanzhe, deputy owner of the Evaluation Laboratory of the China Electronic Technology Standardization Research Center, told China News Weekly that there are many standards for smart watches to refer to, but the question is whether the company can strictly implement it. Nowadays, electronic products are gradually developing, and the development of security and software has become the top priority.

"At present, the products on the entire track tend to be homogeneous and facing ceilings. In the future, the development direction of children's smart watches should be to lead children's healthy development, and it is refined in scenes such as eye protection and safety." Eager to seek success, make some faint tricks.

Chen Wenming suggested that the relevant party needs to continuously improve the internal content of the product, use a reasonable prevention system, and announce the rectification results in a timely manner to the society, and effectively build a solid "protective wall" for children's healthy growth.

Author: Meng Qian ([email protected])

Edit: Li Zhiquan

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