Hardycore Wuxi speaks with strength!In the past 10 years, Wuxi's economy speeds into "high quality"

Author:Express Wuxi Time:2022.07.16

Modern Express News (Reporter Chen Min) The city's GDP has 700 billion steps in the ten years, and exceeds 1.4 trillion yuan in 2021; Per capita GDP reaches 187,400 yuan, maintaining the first place in large and medium cities in the country, and the contribution rate of scientific and technological progress continuously continuously In the nine years, Jiangsu No. 1, shortlisted for four lists such as "Top 500 Chinese Enterprises", maintained the number one company in Jiangsu ...

On July 16th, a reporter from the Modern Express reporter from Wuxi's "New Era of Wuxi Creation of Wuxi" series theme press conference -Economic Development and Science and Technology Strong City special sectors were learned that during the ten years from 2012 to 2021, Wuxi used the famous industrial and commercial city as the The foundation, firm innovation drive the core strategy and the leading strategy of industrial strong cities, and build a modern industrial system supported by strategic emerging industries, advanced manufacturing as the main body, and modern service industry. Economic development is "quality and quantity and reassembly."

Adhere to high -quality orientation

Cao Wenbin, secretary of the Party Group and Director of Wuxi Development and Reform Commission, introduced that in 2021, Wuxi general public budget revenue reached 120.5 billion yuan, and the total import and export volume exceeded 110 billion US dollars. It plays a role in "cockpit stone" on economic development.

During the "Thirteenth Five -Year Plan" period, the annual increase in the value -added of industries in the city reached 7.6%, which was 1.1 percentage points higher than the GDP growth rate. In 2021, the city's total industrial value reached a new level of two trillion yuan. The productivity reached 334,000 yuan per capita, and the value -added of manufacturing accounted for 41.6%of GDP; the number of industrial enterprises in the city exceeded 80,000, of which the number of industrial enterprises above designated size reached 7003.

In the development of county economy, Jiangyin led the country. In the past ten years, the GDP of Jiangyin area increased from 253.538 billion yuan to 458.033 billion yuan, an average annual increase of 6.1%. The regional GDP exceeded the 400 billion yuan mark for three consecutive years, and the number of market entities increased by 71.4%compared with the end of 2012. In 2021, Jiangyin won the "nineteen consecutive championships" in the country's basic economic competitiveness and the "five consecutive championships" in the top 100 counties (cities) in China.

Chen Hanjie, deputy mayor of Jiangyin City, said that Jiangyin accelerated the construction of a green low -carbon manufacturing system. The road of county economic development with characteristics, regional characteristics, and its own characteristics. "

Exit talents and wisdom, promote industrial transformation and upgrading

The city's scientific and technological progress contribution rate rose from 59.1%in 2012 to 67.6%in 2021, and ranked first in the province for 9 consecutive years since 2013; 100 million yuan, the proportion of regional GDP rose to 3.21%; Wuxi won 71 National Science and Technology Awards and 75 Chinese Patent Awards, all of which ranked first in similar cities across the country.

According to Zhao Jianping, the party secretary and director of the Wuxi Science and Technology Bureau, as of the end of 2021, the city's young eagles, gazelle, and quasi -unicorn cultivation enterprises reached 2,981, 1,676 and 144 respectively. The top ten in the country, the second in the province.

Urban development, talent is the key. Lin Maosong, deputy minister of the Organization Department of Wuxi Municipal Party Committee and director of the Municipal Civil Service Bureau, introduced that in recent years, Wuxi has successively introduced the "Taihu Talent Plan", the upgraded version of the "Taihu Talent Plan", and 12 "Xiyin Hui Cai". Nobel Prize winners, Chinese and foreign academicians, to the full dimension and multi -level talent policy system of outstanding university graduates and skill -type talents.

As of the end of 2021, there were 1,322 entrepreneurial talents in the city, 66 companies with annual sales exceeding 100 million yuan, and annual sales revenue of 83.245 billion yuan, an increase of 8.4 times over 2012. At present, a total of 14 talents in the city are listed at home and abroad, including 5 science and technology boards, and the A -share market value exceeds 700 billion yuan, accounting for 44% of the market value of listed companies in the city. Yuan, leading the city.

Build a modern industrial system

Wang Rongming, a third -level researchist of the Wuxi Industry and Information Technology Bureau, focused on introducing relevant measures to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system city, and actively build a modern industry with strategic emerging industries, advanced manufacturing as the main body, and modern service industry. system.

In 2021, the total output value of the strategic emerging industries in the field of Wuxi manufacturing above designated size was 852.918 billion yuan, accounting for 39.9%of the total industrial output value, and the total number of high -tech enterprises in the city increased to 4608. The proportion of output value reached 49.2%.

Taking clustering, intelligent, and digital development, Wuxi anchor the transformation and upgrading of advanced manufacturing. The city's in -depth implementation of the manufacturing "replenishment and strong extension" chain project and the "100 enterprises to quote" and "Thousands of Enterprises Upgrade" operations, accelerate the cultivation of leading enterprises and specialized new "little giants" enterprises, and promote manufacturing clusters to become bigger and stronger. In 2021, 10 billion industrial clusters reached 10, and the Internet of Things was selected as the national advanced manufacturing cluster. The scale of the integrated circuit industry ranked among the top in the country.

Focusing on industrialization, Wuxi accelerate the construction of innovation and entrepreneurship carrier platforms. Take Binhu District as an example, accelerate the establishment of an innovation system in the past ten years, vigorously cultivate innovative subjects, and constantly gather innovation elements. Wait for major scientific and technological innovation results. Internal and external linkage integration and development

Wuxi adheres to the implementation of the national regional coordinated development strategy, rural revitalization strategy and new urbanization strategy, and the process of regional urban and rural coordination integration has accelerated significantly.

Today, the Yangtze River Delta integrated development of the Wuxi action plan is implemented in depth. The main leadership symposium and Su Xichang development cooperation summit in the Yangtze River Delta region were successfully held in Xi to build a substantive launch of the Taihu Science and Technology Innovation Circle. The construction of district industrial innovation cooperation (Wuxi) pilot zone is promoted in an orderly manner.

The overall acceleration of the integration of the city has increased the expansion of urban development. The two collaborative development zones of Xicheng Xiyi have been advanced. Su Xichang's southern highway is opened to traffic. The Xicheng Rail Transit S1 line and Yima Express Channel have been launched. The integration of urban and rural areas has been comprehensively deepened, and a number of characteristic pastoral rural and beautiful rural demonstration sites have been completed.

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