Chenglan Railway Chengchuan section pavement enters the plateau section

Author:Chengdu Daily Jinguan Time:2022.07.16

The reporter learned from the Chenglan Railway Co., Ltd. that at 10:18 on July 16, the Chengdu to Lanzhou Railway Chengdu to Chuanzhu Temple (Huang Shengguan) (hereinafter referred to as the Chenglan Railway Chengchuan section) The 500 -meter long steel rail fell steadily, marking that the Chenglan Railway Chengchuan section entered the pavement stage of the plateau section.

The Chenglan Railway Chengchuan section is located in Sichuan Province. The project is in line with the existing Baocheng Line in Qingbaijiang Station in Chengdu. It passes through Deyang, Mianyang to Aba, and is in line with the completion of the Xining Railway in Huangshengguan. The design speed is 200 kilometers per hour. It is about 275.8 kilometers long, 561 kilometers on the main line, 57 kilometers on the station line, and 221 Dao forks. At present, the Chengdu Plain section has been paved, and it is advanced to 3200 meters of the Plateau in the western Sichuan.

According to Zhang Hua, the executive deputy commander of the Chenglan Railway Engineering Headquarters of the Eighth Bureau of China Railway, the China Railway Eighth Bureau undertaken the Chengchuan Railway Chengchuan section. 17.8 ‰, the biggest difficulty of the rail paving is Anxian to Zhenjiangguan section. This section is mainly Da Tou Road and the growth of the tunnel. At present, it has paved 157.2 kilometers. The paving project adopts the combination of the "straight paving method" and the "paving method" to organize construction, and the "straight paving method" construction is adopted by the non -tadpole bed. The main line of the rail beams, taking into account the right line of Chenglan and the station line labing and beams.

According to Zhang Hua, there are three differences in the construction of the plateau area than the plain area. One is that the plateau air is thin, the hypoxia is severe, and the work efficiency of the operators has decreased. The weather is frequent, and it is a huge challenge to construction operations and transportation; the third is that most of the tunnel groups are used to grow up. The operation space in the tunnel is narrow and the operating environment is poor. Many difficulties.

According to Xiao Xialin, the commander of the Chenglan Headquarters of the Chenglan Railway Company, the Chengchuan section of the Chenglan Railway enters the pavement of the plateau section. The Sheng Tunnel has not yet been connected. In order to speed up the construction progress, the method of segmented rail paving is adopted. The plateau section is divided into the import section of the Yuelongmen Tunnel to the Disheng Tunnel. After successful through, complete the final rail paving work. As of now, the Chenglan Railway Chengchuan section bridge and road base project have been basically completed. The tunnel project has been fully completed for 175.4 kilometers, accounting for 99.4%of the total. The group node is advancing in an orderly manner.

It is understood that after the completion of the Chenglan Railway, there will be no history of railway in northwest Sichuan. It will jointly form a trunk railway channel connecting the northwest and southwest and South China coast with the existing Baocheng Railway, the Lan -Chongqing Railway and the Sichuan -Tibet Railway, and the Chengxi Railway. It is of great strategic significance for coordinated development of regional economic and social and realizing the unity and progress of ethnic regions.

Chengdu Daily Jinguan Journalist Tian Ya Chen Editor He Qi Tie Intern Editor Lu Yaruitu provided Miaoqin by the Railway Department

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