It is strictly forbidden to discriminate against the new crown rehabilitation in employment, and the settlement of such cities is fully canceled ... This week, people's livelihood is here!

Author:Chinese government network Time:2022.07.16


State Council Executive Meeting: It is strictly forbidden to discriminate against the recovery of the new crown virus nucleic acid detection in employment

The Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council hosted a executive meeting of the State Council on July 13 to deploy policy measures for the deployment of stable and stable posting to ensure that the overall employment situation is stable.

The meeting pointed out that the first is to continue to employment through the main body of the market. Continue to implement the policy of helping the enterprise's rescue, open up the implementation of the blocking points, and implement the packaging of social insurance premiums, stabilizing jobs, and employment subsidies. The second is to increase employment with more market -oriented socialized measures. Support for entrepreneurship and employment, and continue to issue up to 200,000 yuan of entrepreneurial guarantee loans for eligible startups and individual industrial and commercial households, and will be discounted by fiscal discounts. Local governments should take out funds to help the incubation base reduce the cost of start -ups at the site of start -ups. The third is to do a good job of employment in key groups such as college graduates and migrant workers. Implement the policy of expanding the employment channels of graduates. Accelerate the recovery of offline recruitment. Introduce policy support services outsourcing industry to absorb graduates. Provide continuous assistance services for "one person and one policy" for unlimited graduates. Implement the work of work. Make sure that at least one person in the zero employment family is employed as soon as possible. The fourth is to ensure the equal employment rights of workers. It is strictly forbidden to discriminate against the positive recovery of the new coronary virus nucleic acid test. Relevant departments should strengthen the supervision of labor security, and discover the discrimination of such discrimination seriously together. Fifth, local governments must bear the responsibility of stabilizing employment to ensure the achievement of employment goals. Timely inform supervision of local employment work.

The meeting pointed out that flexible employment can effectively promote employment, and it is also conducive to stimulating market vitality and social creativity. It is necessary to strengthen protection and services. The first is to allow flexible employees to participate in the basic pension and medical insurance of employees at the job place, rely on the national unified platform participation registration, improve the convenience of social insurance payment, transfer continuation, and medical treatment in different places. If you are engaged in flexible employment for college graduates and employment difficulties, social security subsidies shall be given in accordance with regulations. The second is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of flexible employees in accordance with the law, seriously investigate and deal with problems such as the main responsibility of employment and arrears of salary, and implement a pilot piloting for professional damage. The third is to accelerate the construction of the zero -working market and promote the free supply and demand docking of public employment service institutions; for the training of qualified flexible employees, and give the training subsidies and living subsidies during training and training.

Reading in detail && Li Keqiang presided over the policy measures of the executive meeting of the State Council to deploy forces and stabilize posts, etc.


State Council Executive Meeting: Laipan home appliances in the country to change the country with old and new home appliances

Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council hosted a executive meeting of the State Council on July 13 to demand multiple measures to expand consumption to determine measures to support green smart home appliances consumption. The first is to carry out home appliances to the countryside with old replacement and home appliances across the country, and encourage conditions for conditions to provide capital and policy support. During the implementation, it is necessary to maintain a unified open market nationwide and ensure fair competition. The second is to improve the standards of green smart home appliances and promote the standardization of full -chain services such as installation and maintenance. The third is to support the development of waste household appliances, comprehensively implement Gigabit fiber network projects, accelerate the transformation of old and old communities in urban and towns, consolidate and improve rural power grids, and provide support for expanding home appliances consumption.

Reading in detail && Li Keqiang presided over the policy measures of the executive meeting of the State Council to deploy forces and stabilize posts, etc.


Key projects are vigorously implemented by work!

A few days ago, the General Office of the State Council reposted the National Development and Reform Commission's "Working Plan for the Emphasis on Promoting the Employment of Local Mass Employment in key engineering projects", and proposed 12 policies and measures in 4 aspects. Among them, the county -level people's governments where the project is located has established labor communication and coordination mechanisms with the owner units and construction units, and organizes the mobilization of local rural labor force, low -income population and employment difficulties in the county as the main organization. Using project construction venues, machinery and equipment, etc., use "training+job" and other methods to carry out labor skills training and production safety training. Try to expand the employment positions of the work generation, reasonably determine the labor remuneration standards of the work of work, and timely issue labor remuneration in time, and increase the scale of labor remuneration as much as possible.

Read the notice of the National Development and Reform Commission on the General Office of the State Council for forwarding the National Development and Reform Commission on vigorous implementation of the work plan to promote the employment income increase of local people in key engineering projects


Let go of the restrictions on settlement outside the individual oversized cities

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Implementation Plan for the" Fourteenth Five -Year Plan "new urbanization. The "Plan" clearly clearly releases the restrictions on the settlement of the settlement outside individual oversized cities, and trial to register the hukou system with frequent residence. Comprehensively cancel the restrictions on cities with a resident population of less than 3 million in urban areas, comprehensively relax the conditions for the settlement of large cities with a resident population of 3 million to 5 million in the urban area, improve the oversized cities with more than 5 million permanent population in urban areas, and encourage the cancellation of the annual settlement settlement. Purit restrictions. The agricultural transfer population that promotes the stable employment and life in cities and towns enters the city, and has the same rights as urban residents and fulfills the same obligations. Improve the convenience of household registration and migration. In accordance with the law, the rural land contracting rights, the right to use of the homestead, and the distribution right of the collective income of farmers who enter the city and settle in the city will improve the market -oriented withdrawal mechanism and supporting policies of farmers.

Detailed reading && National Development and Reform Commission's notice on printing and issuing the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" new urbanization implementation plan


The seventh batch of national organizational drug collection is planned to reduce the price by 48% in the price reduction of 48%

The seventh batch of national organizational drugs were purchased on the 12th. On the 12th, the results were generated in Nanjing, Jiangsu. The collection of 60 drugs in the collection is successful, and the average price reduction of 327 selected products is 48%. According to the agreed purchase volume, it is expected to save 18.5 billion yuan per year. The collection of drugs involved 31 treatment categories, including common diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, anti -infection, and digestive tract diseases, as well as major diseases such as lung cancer, liver cancer, kidney cancer, and bowel cancer. In the next step, the National Medical Insurance Administration will work with relevant departments to guide the implementation of the selection results in various places and middle school companies to ensure that patients across the country use the selected products after the collection of prices in November 2022. Read these medicines in detail, with an average price reduction of 48%!


Add 12 national 5A -level tourist attractions!

On July 15th, the Ministry of Culture Tourism issued an announcement that 12 tourist attractions were officially determined that the 12 tourist attractions were national 5A tourist attractions: Yellow River Putou Waterfall Tourist Area, Taizhoufu Cultural Tourism Zone, 3 Hundred Shan Scenic Area, Weishan Lake Tourism Area, Jigong Gong Mountain Scenic Area, Three Gorges Da Waterfall Scenic Area, Huangyao Ancient Town Scenic Area, Baidi City · Qutang Gorge Scenic Area, Anren Ancient Town Scenic Area, Weijindong Scenic Area, Guanyangou Scenic Area, Jiangblac Scenic Area.

Detailed reading && Announcement of determining 12 tourist attractions as a national 5A tourist attraction


A person added 30 yuan per capita! Improving financial subsidies for urban and rural residents' medical insurance for insurance

Recently, the State Medical Insurance Bureau, the Ministry of Finance, and the State Administration of Taxation jointly issued the "Notice on Doing a Good House for the Basic Medical Guarantee of Urban and Rural Residents in 2022", and continued to improve the funding for basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents in 2022. The finances at all levels continue to increase subsidies for the payment of medical insurance insurance for residents. The per capita financial subsidy standards will be added 30 yuan to reach less than 610 yuan per person per year. Simultaneously increase personal payment standards 30 yuan to reach 350 yuan per person per year.

Read the three departments of the three departments: Effectively do a good job of the basic medical security work of urban and rural residents in 2022


Do not add layers! Imported non -cold chain items implementation classification management

A few days ago, the State Council's comprehensive group of the joint control mechanism of the new type of coronary virus pneumonia was issued and issued the "Notice on Further Optimizing the Prevention and Control of the New Coronation Pneumonia Epidemic Epidemium". The "Notice" pointed out that the latest research results show that under normal temperature conditions, the new crown virus survives on the surface of most items, and all of them will be lost within 1 day. The "Notice" requires the implementation of graded classification management of imported non -cold chain items. It is not allowed to introduce the import of non -cold chain items to increase strict control measures.

Detailed reading && Notice of further optimizing the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in imported items


Recruit 5,000 retired teachers! Go to the county and rural schools to work

Recently, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance issued the "Notice on Doing a Good Affairs of the 2022 Yinling Lecture Plan", and proposed that the 2022 Compulsory Education Plan plans to recruit 5,000 lecturer teachers. In principle Encourage continuous lectures that qualify for assessment. In 2022, the implementation scope of the Yinling Lecture Plan is based on the county as the basic unit, mainly due to poverty alleviation areas (the original nationally distinguished area, county, national poverty alleviation and development work key counties, provincial poverty alleviation and development work key counties, deep poverty counties) , The underdeveloped ethnic counties, revolutionary old districts, border counties, and Xinjiang production and construction military regiments are focused on tilting deep poverty -stricken areas such as the country and rural revitalization. The aid schools are county and rural schools. Retired teachers who apply for silver -age lectures are mainly principals, teaching and researchers, special teachers, and backbone teachers. The original unit returns to retirement teachers.

Detailed reading && Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance: Silver Lecture Program 2022-2023 Academic Year Recruitment and Lecture Teacher 5,000


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