What is the operation of the national carbon market?How to predict carbon prices?The Yangtze River Daily launched "Double Carbon Everyone" to explain in detail for you

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.16

The first episode of "Double Carbon Talk". Reporter Yang Tao Photo

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client July 15th (Reporter Liang Shuang) On July 16, 2021, the national carbon market officially launched the launch transaction. One year, what is the operation of the carbon market in the country? How much role does it play for enterprises to reduce carbon dioxide and speed up low carbon transformation? What role does Wuhan play in the national carbon market? On July 16th, the Yangtze River Daily launched the video column of "Double Carbon Everyone", inviting relevant experts and "big coffees" to analyze and communicate from multiple angles, and discuss carbon at peak carbon carbon carbon carbon with many enterprises, institutions, etc. Neutral practice path.

The guests invited by the first program of "Double Carbon Everyone" are: Sun Yongping, deputy dean of the National Institute of Governance of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Li Quanwei, strategic director of "China Carbon Deng". The two counted the transaction situation in the past year in the Chinese carbon market, analyzed the impact and effectiveness of carbon transactions on enterprises, and also looked forward to and expect the Chinese carbon market.

In terms of carbon prices, Sun Yongping said in the show that the average carbon quota price for the year was 42.85 yuan/ton, up to 62.29 yuan/ton, and the overall national carbon market was higher than most pilot carbon markets. He believes that carbon prices should rise in the future, and the EU carbon price is as high as 80 euros, 10 times higher than my country's carbon price.

In response to the status of Wuhan's carbon market in the country, Li Quanwei believes that whether it is in the pilot carbon market or the national carbon market, Wuhan's status is very important. Since the establishment of the Hubei carbon market, the transaction volume and other indicators are relatively leading, accounting for the "half of the country" in the country. The construction of "medium carbon derangers" has greatly strengthened the position of Wuhan in the country's carbon market. Wuhan's position as a national carbon transaction and carbon finance center has begun to take shape.

Sun Yongping also said that in the context of the national carbon market, carbon prices may gradually be in line with international carbon prices in the future. At present, there are three main problems in the national carbon market to be improved. First, it is to steadily promote the expansion of the national carbon market. Institutional system; Third, clarify the reform roadmap in the national carbon market in the future, so that enterprises can form more stable expectations.

【Edit: Ding】

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