[Red Memory] Eight Qianchuan women stepped on the Changsheng Road from Guangyuan ‖ Fu Yin

Author:Fang Zhi Sichuan Time:2022.07.16

Eight Qianchuan women stepped on the long march from Guangyuan

Fu Yin

From November 1934 to the end of April 1935, Guangyuan became the later facts of the Sichuan -Shaanxi Revolutionary Base. Wangcang Red Military City is the capital of the Sichuan Revolutionary State. It is the strategic assembly, preparation, and starting place of the Four Fourth Army's Long March. It is the launch of the three major battles in the later period. The Red Fourth Army has created countless firsts in the history of the people's army's army. He created the women's independent division, the young Communist International Pioneer, the Marine Corps, and the Bashan guerrillas. 10 county -level Soviet -level Soviet -level Soviet -level Soviet -level Soviet -level Soviet -level Soviet -level Soviet -level Soviet -level Soviet -level was established, accounting for one -third of the total number of Sichuan -Shaanxi Revolutionary Bases ...

As the center of the Sichuan -Shaanxi Revolutionary Base, the contributions to the Guangyuan Sichuan Revolutionary Base and the contribution to the Chinese Revolution cannot be underestimated. There are also many important historical materials that need to be studied and excavated. For example, the financial centers and industrial clusters formed in Guangyuan formed in the later period of the Sichuan -Shaanxi Revolutionary Base are particularly precious during the war of the Land Revolution. What is mentioned here is that the Sichuan -Shaanxi Revolutionary Base should be a model of the women's movement during the Land Revolution. Its biggest crystallization is that when the Long March of the Red Four Fourth Fourth Fourth Fourth, more than 8,000 Sichuan girls participated in the Long March.

The Red Army Long March, in terms of the number of female soldiers, basically identified: 32 of the Red Army, more than 20 Red Army, 7 Red Army 7, and the number of female soldiers in the Red Fourth Army. What is the maximum female soldiers of the Red Four aspects? Some say more than 2,000 people, some say more than 3,000 people. It is certain that it is basically represented by women's independent divisions, ranging from 2,000 to 3,000.

In fact, such statistics are mainly based on the combat sequence. In fact, there are more than 2,000 female soldiers who follow the Red Fourth Army on the Long March Road. According to the "Journal of Historical Materials in Sichuan, Shaanxi and the Soviet Union" written in May 1945, Sichuan -Shaanxi "women's participation agencies, troops, schools, factories, about more than 10,000 people from production, the Red Army Long March left the Jialing River, more than 8,000 in the Red Army Long March, there were more than 8,000 places in the Jialong March, there were more than 8,000 people in the Jialong March, there were more than 8,000 people in the Jialong March of the Army. Women and various agencies and factories move with the army. "The women who participated in the Long March of the Four Fourth Fourth Army were at least 8,000, and they were mainly Sichuan. This data is closer to the actual situation of the Sichuan -Shaanxi Revolutionary Base at that time, and it should be real.

When the Red Fourth Army entered Sichuan, there were more than 14,000 people, and the troops did not have a women's armed forces. The existing female soldiers are attached to the headquarters and various agencies of the division, and there are not many people. The first formal women's armed forces established after the Red Fourth Army entered Sichuan was an independent camp established in Tongjiang at the end of March 1933. The foundation of the independent camp is more than 100 women from the headquarters, and more than 200 activists among the women's masses. It can be seen that there are not many women in the Red Fourth Army in Sichuan. From the women's independent camps to the women's independent group, from the women's independent group to the women's independent division, to other combat sequences and non -combat sequences, most of them come from Sichuan -Shaanxi Revolutionary bases.

The female Red Army statue on the way of the Long March

The construction of a revolutionary base, women from northern Sichuan expressed their greatest participation enthusiasm, and the number of people can be described as spectacular. According to statistics, there are no less than 300,000 women who participated in women's organizations at all levels in the bases. Among the regimes at all levels, female cadres are one -quarter of the total number of cadres. Essence According to the book "Long March", at the peak of the General Hospital of the Red Fourth Army, more than 3,000 staff members reached more than 3,000, almost all female soldiers. All this shows that the female soldiers of the Red Fourth Army have sufficient human resources with the main Long March. Women in northern Sichuan have eaten bitterness, hard work, and high awareness. They impressed the Red Army of the Red Army from the Hubei and Henan and Anhui bases. There was an admiration of "Sichuan's gay comrades".

Part of the female Red Army who participated in the Long March in 1949

According to historical records, after November 1934, after the Military Center of the Sichuan -Shaanxi Revolutionary Base was moved to Wangcang, not only did a large number of military women and women concentrated on Wangcang, but also continued to expand women. At this time, women who are concentrated in Wangcang, in addition to the two regiments of women's independent divisions, regular women's armed forces include women's company from the Provincial Women's School, the Women's Detention Team of the General Security Bureau, and the independent company of women directly under the military. No wait, usually about 100 people. In addition, there are more than 1,500 female medical staff in the Red Army General Hospital, more than 100 female medical staff in the Provincial Industry and Farmers Hospital, and a female military worker among military industrial enterprises such as serving factories and arsenal. There are no less than 6,000 women in these units, not to mention various female soldiers in various regiments and newly expanded female soldiers in various regiments.

On April 6, 2021, the Red Star Press, a subsidiary of Chengdu Media Group, released the news of the "Sichuan female Red Army Li Hongxiang's death in Chengdu 101 years old", which quoted a group of official data: "According to statistics, in the spring of 1935, followed, followed by follow There are more than 8,000 women who participated in the Long March in the Xishujia River in the West Fourth Army. Among them, the Red Fourth Army women were independent and more than 2,000 regiments; more than 500 women's workers in the Red Fourth Army; The establishment of the camp) The female soldiers and the propaganda team members of the military; more than a thousand female soldiers of the general hospital and the military hospitals; nearly 500 students of the Provincial Party Committee Women's School; . They are generally about seventeen or eight years old, and the youngest is only eight or nine years old. "These data are basically in line with historical records, indicating that the number of female soldiers in the Red Four aspects was more than 8,000 or more. 101 -year -old Sichuan female Red Army Li Hongxiang (picture source: cover news)

According to the statistics of the party history of Wangcang County, when the Red Army set off for the Long March, more than 3,000 women in the Wangcang area only followed the Red Army Long March, and the number of newly participated in the entire Guangyuan area had more than 4,700 people. This data is calculated, there are more than 10,000. Because the battle was frequent at that time, the troops were liquid, and the number of people was constantly moving. The number of people was changing at any time. The number of statistics was not necessarily accurate. But the 8000 Sichuan girl followed the Red Army on the data of the Long March, and it should not be much different.

After set foot on the Long March, the number of troops, sequences, and number of people are constantly adjusting and changing due to changes in the internal and external environment, and the number of 8000 Sichuan women is constantly changing. Taking the women's independent division as an example, after the troops arrived at Zhuokki, the women's independent division was adapted into "Women's Anti -Japanese Pioneer". According to Zeng Guanglan, a political committee member of the women's independent division: "In the establishment of a division in Zhuokji, I remember calling women's anti -Japanese pioneers." The old Red Army Wu Lanying of Cangxi recalled: "There were two regiments at the time, a regiment and division. One -sided teacher flag, two -faced group flags, the full name of the teacher is' women's anti -Japanese pioneer "."

After the Red Fourth Army and the Central Red Army, they were incorporated into the left army and established many regimes and arms in Tibetan County. Only "labels" were left. Due to the brutal environment and fighting, and the Snow Mountain grassland, the women's forces of the Long March of the Four Four Four aspects and many rear agencies and military industrial enterprises continued to compress, merge or dissolve, and women soldiers reduced a lot. According to Luo Qingchang's memories: "In the area of ​​Minjiang, a group of old and weak women and children were dismissed and dismissed." A small number of small feet women. Coupled with the sacrifice, those who lost the line, lost, and the unknown where the whereabouts were unknown.

In October 1936, after the three main Red Army meeting, the Women's Anti -Japanese Pioneer Group participated in the West Army. More than 1,300 female soldiers sacrificed on the way westward, and they survived. Nearly 20,000 people in the Red Fourth Army arrived in northern Shaanxi. As for how many female soldiers, there were no specific statistics. I only know that "there are still 700 female warriors who are still in the 4th Army, 31st Army, Supply Department, Hospital, Party School, Health School, and theater Troupe have reached northern Shaanxi." According to Zhang Mingxiu, the old Red Army of Guangyuan Zhaohua Ji: "After the Long March arrived in northern Shaanxi, in order to cultivate women's cadres, the central government opened a women's school in Yunyan Town, Yan'an Yanyan Town to prepare for the future distribution to various positions in the future. As the backbone, there are more than 500 students. "

Women in the Sichuan -Shaanxi Revolutionary Base are enthusiastic and firm in the revolution. Writer Wang Shuzheng revealed the reason in his book "Long March": "These daughters who joined the Red Army in the most cruel wars ... Many people are sold as products at the age of 10, and they must take on it at the age of twelve or three years old. The burden of raising the family ... "Among them, there are many children, there are many men who smoke, and there are no status at home, so they become one of the most eager to revolutionary people. The more bitter girls.

In this way, after experiencing anti -"three -way siege" and "six -way siege", the Sichuan -Shaanxi Revolutionary Base has "the people's wealth", and the Red Army team is also facing the dilemma of "soldiers exhausted". The army embarked on the journey of the Long March.

Aoyama buried loyalty everywhere. After the Long March, there were less than 1,000 people left in 8000 Sichuan girls. Many of them did not leave their names, but their sacrifice spirit, their contribution to the Chinese women's liberation campaign, contributed to the Chinese revolution, has been with the sun and the moon with the same Huihui And with the world.

Source: Sichuan Provincial Local House Work Office

Author: Fu Yin (Guangyuan Social Sciences Federation)

Picture: Fang Zhi Sichuan

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