More than 10 cases of thermal radiation disease in Zigong in Sichuan: The 48 -year -old man has a dizzy and fainting temperature of 40.5 ° C. Most cases are the elderly at home without air conditioning

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.16

Cover news reporter Liu Ke Sheng

In mid -July, a 48 -year -old villager in a town in Gongjing District, Zigong City, was sent to the Third People's Hospital of Zigong City for treatment. Through active treatment, the patient's condition has improved. Recently, the hospital has been treated with more than 10 cases of fever, including outdoor workers, but most of them are 70 or eighty -year -old elderly people. The causes of the disease are mostly caused by the hot weather and did not turn on the air conditioner in the home.

"This villager is a male, 48 years old, fainting when working in outdoor land. When he was discovered, he had a high fever and consciousness disorder, and he was sweating." According to the medical staff of the Third People's Hospital of Zigong City, introduced it. When the hospital rescue carried the patient, the patient's skin was hot and the body temperature reached 40.5 ° C. On the way back, the medical staff actively took cooling treatment. After admission, it was sent to the ICU treatment with thermal radiation disease.

He introduced that there was another 84 -year -old man who lay down at home due to inconvenience. When the family members discovered that the patient's temperature rose, but did not pay attention to it, feeding sugar water by themselves. Two hours later, the patient had symptoms such as pneumonia, limb convulsions, and immediately called the first aid call to the city's third hospital for treatment to treat the ICU treatment with thermal radiation income. At present, the patient has improved.

Recently, the weather in Zigong continued to be high temperature, and the temperature continued to exceed 40 ° C. Gao Yu, director of the Severe Medicine Division of the Third People's Hospital of Zigong City, introduced that "thermal irritation" is the most serious type of heat stroke, namely severe heat stroke. During the diagnosis of fever, patients have changed severe pathological function. The clinical manifestations are mainly manifested in the core temperature greater than 40 ° C. Severe central system abnormalities have occurred. Accompanied by multiple organs' dysfunction, severe can cause acute kidney. Functional failure.

At the same time, fever is common in young people, pregnant women and older who are old, or individuals with chronic basic diseases and immune function. They are usually passively exposed to heat environments, causing the body to produce heat and heat dissipation. So, how should heat irritation prevent and treat?

"First of all, let the patient get out of the environment of high temperature and high humidity, move the patient to a room with a cool ventilation or a room with air -conditioning and fans, and timely solve the patient's clothing, and use something on the scene to cool down." Gao Yu reminded: For A coma patients should not drink water for patients, which will cause misuses. For mild patients, you can drink more water and take Huoxiang Zhengqi water. After conducting cooling measures, 120 emergency calls should be called in time to allow professional medical staff to treat them.

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