Establishing a community college to improve community governance capabilities has a "Baoshan paradigm"

Author:Shanghai Baoshan Time:2022.07.16

On July 15th, the Baoshan District Community College, the Second Older University, and the School of Community Governance were established. The 20 community governance teachers have been formed. In the future, they will be a member of the grass -roots governance expert think tank, and thus form a pattern of five campuses plus party groups. In the future , Full, comprehensive education and teaching work, while coordinating the process of promoting the professional governance of community education. A series of grass -roots governance courses such as "How to be the Secretary of the Grassroots Party Organization" and "Challenge and Words of Community Epidemic Prevention and Governance Capability" will also be launched one after another.

Baoshan, with the cultural heritage of "century education", recovered the original five adult schools, and officially established the Baoshan District Community College, the Second Elderly University of Baoshan District, and the School of Community Governance of Baoshan District. Its predecessor also has good education genes, such as the guidance of the concepts of Mr. Tao Xingzhi's "life education" and "national education concept". A large number of high -quality and skillful talents have also made outstanding contributions to the educational function of Baoshan education, continuously enriching the lives of citizens, enhancing the sense of gain and happiness of citizens.

In the future, Baoshan District Community College will create an open curriculum system to create a number of special -quality courses covering artistic accomplishment, family style and family education, healthy life, and community governance to provide richer and better learning resources for various people to meet Citizens' diversified learning needs; the college will work closely with social organizations and universities in combination with Baoshan's actual situation, deeply cultivate key projects and tasks of community grassroots governance, teach, research, and learn in practice, improve the integration of community education and grass -roots governance, improve Baoshan grassroots governance capacity, creating a "Baoshan paradigm" for modernization of governance systems and governance capabilities.

Wu Zunmin, a senior professor and doctoral supervisor of East China Normal University, who has long been committed to lifelong education and community education research for a long time, believes that community governance under normalization of the epidemic is not a simple volunteer service, nucleic acid sampling, neighborhood, etc. The important role is to play and accurately serve the role of policy interpretation, science popularization, psychological guidance, and psychological guidance.

In his opinion, the establishment of a community college in Baoshan District will make important contributions to the positive factors of community education in order to prevent community education in preventing community crisis in a deep understanding of community education in preventing community crisis. He believes that this will be a model for the city's professional governance function in the city and the country, and has positive and far -reaching significance for promoting the in -depth development of community education and the promotion of urban construction and scientific management.

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