Tongwei: 21 retired soldiers volunteer service team actively invited to join the front line of resistance

Author:Tongwei Rong Media Time:2022.07.16

Since the occurrence of this round of epidemic, the Tongwei County Retired Military Affairs Bureau issued an initiative to call on the county's majority of retired soldiers to actively respond to prevent and control the epidemic. Before the war, quickly condense the majestic force of resistance.

Faced with the severe and complex epidemic prevention and control situation, Pingxiang Town's retired soldiers' service station heard the order and actively propagated and mobilized. Volunteers of retired soldiers took the initiative to ask for help, and quickly assembled and actively participated in the town's epidemic prevention and control work.

Li Yuxia, a retired soldiers service station in Pingxiang Town, Tongwei County: "Facing this sudden epidemic, the retired soldiers' service station in Pingxiang Town moved, and the retired soldiers took the initiative to ask for the case. Enter 5 communities in Pingxiang Town, conduct household inspections, and urge residents to actively conduct nucleic acid testing. Remind residents to wear masks and keep one -meter line distance during testing to maintain the order on the spot. "

Volunteers of retired soldiers take red vests and red hats as "military uniforms", with warm guns, strokes, and small horn as "steel guns". Visit the tasks such as visiting publicity, duty registration, inspection and arrangement, mobile personnel registration, and vehicle control, to popularize the knowledge of epidemic prevention and control to residents, guide the general public to listen to command, and resolutely achieve "do not believe in rumors, do not make rumors, no rumors." Go or less personnel dense places. They interpreted the loyalty and mission of the loyalty and mission of "retirement and retirement" with practical actions, and effectively constructed the safety barrier of the epidemic prevention and control.

Liu Donggui, deputy secretary of the Party Branch of the Old Store Village, Pingxiang Town, Tongwei County: "I am a retired soldier. In the face of this sudden epidemic, I took the initiative to join the volunteer team of retired soldiers in Pingxiang Town. By taking the streets and lanes, and promoting the knowledge of epidemic prevention, we will further enhance the knowledge of residents in the jurisdiction. "

"If there is a war, call back." This is an oath left by each retired soldier when saying goodbye to the barracks. Today, in the face of the severe and complex epidemic prevention and control situation, they ran under the scorching sun, insisted on the storm, and fully showed the glorious tradition of "retirement of retirement without fading, difficult time to charge at the time of difficulty". The style of the volunteer service team of the retired soldiers.

From "olive green" to "volunteer red", Tongwei County's retired soldiers volunteers scrambled to prevent the epidemic prevention and control "propagandist", "inspector", "instructor" and "liaison officer", and took the initiative to undertake visits, registering duty, investigating and flowing flows Personnel and vehicle control and control tasks. Up to now, more than 1,200 people have participated in the first -line work of the epidemic prevention and control, and have contributed to building a strong line of prevention and control in the epidemic prevention and control, and resolutely win the epidemic prevention and control.

Source: Tongwei County Rong Media Center

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