Wuhou District, Chengdu will carry out the second round of full -member nucleic acid testing

Author:Sichuan Observation Time:2022.07.16

On July 16, the Office of the New Guan Guan Pneumonia Institute of Wuhou District, Chengdu issued a notice on the second round of full -member nucleic acid testing of Wuhou District.

The notice stated that according to the needs of the epidemic prevention and control work, Wuhou District will conduct a second round of free nucleic acid testing in the entire region of Wuhou District from 08:00 on July 17.

Citizen friends are requested to fulfill the obligations of epidemic prevention in accordance with the law and actively participate in this nucleic acid test.In accordance with the notification guidance of the streets and community staff, testing is conducted in an orderly manner.Those who refuse to cooperate, do not support testing, disrupt order, conceal, lie, and forge information will be held legal responsibility in accordance with the law.

The units in the districts are requested to perform the responsibility of preventing and controlling the epidemic in accordance with laws and regulations, and organize employees to participate in nucleic acid testing in an orderly manner.

Wuhou District All Nucleic acid detection point

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