The United States began to raise white flags?Making multiple compromises to Russia, Putin's counter -artillery mouth aim at the EU

Author:Kim Can Rong Channel Time:2022.07.16

Author: Battle Law Express

According to the Financial Association, the US Ministry of Finance issued a statement on the 15th that the United States will allow a general license to conduct transactions with Russia's fertilizer, food, seed materials, drugs and medical equipment transactions with Russia. According to the Global Network, the National Space Administration also claims that the country will resume cooperation with Russia's international space.

This should be said to be the first time that the U.S. -Russian relations have emerged for the first time since the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis. Because this will mean that the United States can purchase fertilizer, food and other related products from Russia. In other words, Russia can also import drugs, medical equipment, seed materials and other related products from the United States. Obviously, the trade iron curtain of the United States and Russia is quietly torn away. It is almost foreseeable that as the iron curtain is torn, this mouth may be tear up with the US economic demand in the future.

Obviously, the United States gathered allies to mobilize sanctions against Russia. As a result, Russia was at ease in responding to the domestic inflation crisis. Instead, the United States was beaten throughout the schedule of sanctions. The increasingly intense inflation crisis and the high price of the United States have made the American people miserable. With the continuity of Russia and Ukraine's conflict, Western sanctions on Russia have become increasingly rampant, and these tortures internal to the United States are far from the end of the end.

The International Monetary Fund has recently lowered the United States' predictions on the economic growth of the United States this year and next, and also raised the forecast of the loss of business loss from the United States by 2025. Obviously, for a long time in the future, there is almost no good news in the United States that can be comforted by the public. The lies of American politicians were repeatedly pierced in the economic situation that was repeatedly deteriorated, which made the American people point to the decision makers of the White House. Therefore, the latest polls show that Biden's support fell to 33%.

Therefore, at this time, the United States took the initiative to tear the iron curtain of relations with Russia. It was not that Washington's politicians had put down the butcher knife, but the pressure of inflation and economic decline, which had been breathless. What's more, Americans have no hope of winning on the Ukraine issue. Continue to play will only allow the US economy to destroy the Zeelianzi's regime. Therefore, at this time, the US sanctions on Russia should be relieved at this time. As the economic situation of the United States continues to deteriorate, more sanctions on Russian sanctions will be lifted in the future.

The United States could not carry the harm caused by sanctions on Russia and was forced to "raise white flags" to Russia. At this time, the European Union announced a new round of sanctions on Russia. In this round of sanctions, although there was no disassembly against Russia's natural gas, there were a large number of Russian entities and individuals lying on the gun. Therefore, Russia's counter -artillery mouth naturally shifted from the United States and aimed at the EU fire. According to CCTV news reports, Moscow plans to prohibit the entry of freight trucks from EU countries on October 1, as a response to the previous senior executives promulgated by the EU to Russia's sanctions.

This is just the tip of the iceberg that Russia countered the EU sanctions. Recently, due to Russia's reduction of about 60%of the supply of European sky, many EU countries have trapped in a chaos due to concerns about the lack of natural gas. Therefore, in a new round of sanctions against Russia, the European Union did not dare to list the Russian natural gas embargo on the list. However, since Russia has already shot, it is no polite to Europe. To this end, the European Union is generally concerned that Russia may completely cut off the natural gas supply to the European Union when this winter arrives.

Although the US -Russian relations are still in a high tension, after all, the United States to terminate some sanctions against Russia is a good start. Therefore, Russia is now equivalent to saying that there is no worries about it, so at this time, they choose to make their hands to the European Union. A few days ago, a spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned that Russia's countermeasures against the European Union are still retained. If they go out to fight back against the EU, they will be "very painful." Therefore, if the European Union continues to do not look back in anti -Russia, it does not rule out that Russia will take stronger countermeasures, which should include cutting off the supply of European natural gas.

As we all know, the Russian -Ukraine conflict is actually the two major US -Russian powers, including Ukraine, NATO, and the European Union. Although they are direct or indirect participants, they are basically the United States' strategic tools used to fight Russia. Therefore, when the Russian conflict is over, it actually depends on the attitude of the United States or Russia. In other words, if the United States can't hold the support of Ukraine, this war will not be able to play.

Of course, at this time, it seems that it is early to predict when the Russian -Ukraine conflict is over. However, since the United States' initiative to contact some sanctions on Russia is enough to show that its internal economic problems have reached the point where it cannot be carried. The Bayeon government has a fatigue state on the Ukraine issue, which is very good for the resolution of the Ukrainian crisis. after all. The United States will not suffer no matter what this war is over. However, the European Union as a participant, the benefits did not fish. Instead, it is possible to bear the bitter fruit that is betrayed by the United States again.

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