The Weishan Lake Tourism Area has successfully created a national 5A -level tourist attraction 丨 The spirit of fighting for the struggle lives up to the people's entrustment

Author:Jining Daily Time:2022.07.17

Xia Yu sent a cool, Jiebao passed the joy. On July 15th, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued the "Announcement on determining 12 tourist attractions as the National 5A Tourist Scenic Area", which ranked among the Weishan Lake Tourism Zone in our city. Since then, the Weishan Lake Tourism Area has officially become the 14th in Shandong Province and the second national 5A tourist attraction in our city. This is the glory of the Weishan Lake tourist area and the glory of the people in the city.

The 5A level is the highest level of China's tourist attractions, representing the level of tourist scenic spots in China's world -class boutique. Weishan Lake Tourism Area ranks among 5A, which is not only the embodiment of the strength of the Weishan Lake Tourism Area itself, but also the victory of the establishment of the 5A -level scenic area of ​​the Weishan Lake Tourism Area for several years. The value of the cultural tourism brand of "The Hometown of Confucius and Mencius, the Capital of the Canal, and the Cultural Jining" will definitely have a positive impact on the good development of the construction and operation of other scenic spots in Jining, and will effectively help the construction of the world's cultural tourism city in Jining.

Although there are thousands of hard work, it is hard to get rid of the sand. Since the beginning of this year, Jining Good News has been rumored that the city has won the title of "International Wetland City" and successfully held the 2022 Shandong Tourism Development Conference ... Behind this major event and happy event, it all reflects the spirit of struggle at all levels in the city. Live up the style and feelings of the people. In various tasks, in accordance with the standards of "first -class, first, and only the only", the city's level, in order to compete for the state of time, rigorous and detailed style, pay close attention to implementation, pay close attention, and enhance the improvement. The cadre team's consciousness of work together, cooperation and cooperation, the work standards of excellence and the first -class working standards, dare to be the first, break through the conventional innovation spirit, meet the hard quality of difficulties, and dare to win the excellent quality. The good style of hard work, due diligence, and selfless dedication, fully prove that the Jining cadre team is a cadre team that is politically strong, emancipated in ideology, first -class, paid attention to implementation, and victory. Weishan Lake Tourism Area ranks among 5A, which will further stimulate the strong force of hard work and courage to fight for the high -quality development of the cultural tourism industry.

The rating is not the end, but the new starting point of Jining Cultural Tourism. Let's take the opportunity of 5A in the Weishan Lake Tourism Area as an opportunity to anchor "walking in front, opening a new bureau", gathering to build a world -famous cultural tourism city, with greater determination and greater measures to further start "Confucius and Meng The cultural tourism brand of the hometown, the capital of the canal, and the cultural Jining "" Jining "has made every effort to promote the high -quality development of Jining's cultural tourism industry and make new and greater contributions to the construction of socialist modernization in the new era.

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