City and brands grow together!2022 "Qingdao Brand Day" officially launched

Author:Qingdao Daily Time:2022.07.17

Create a brand feast in the name of the city. On July 17, the first urban brand day in China -Qingdao brand day arrived as scheduled. In the morning, the first event of the 2022 "Qingdao Brand Day" -the launching ceremony of the Chinese Brand Excellent Development Forum and the "Qingdao Brand Day" launching ceremony was held at the Qingdao International Conference Center.

The theme of 2022 "Qingdao Brand Day" is "City and Brand Growth". It is sponsored by Qingdao People's Government. The Qingdao Cultural and Tourism Bureau, Qingdao Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, the implementation of Qingdao Daily Newspaper Group, the New Structural Economics Research Institute of Structure Economics and Watching Think Tanks provided academic support.

This year is the first city -level "Brand Day" ushered in Qingdao. 2022 "Qingdao Brand Day" was launched by the Chinese Brand Development Forum and the launching ceremony of "Qingdao Brand Day", "Blooming Power" Qingdao brand experience show, Qingdao brand conference conference The night of the Qingdao International Beer Festival "Gongfu Qingdao", the Qingdao brand procurement season and the "Hi Buying Yixia" promotion activity, the Qingdao brand opening day

, Qingdao Brand Protection Propaganda Lecture, including the six major sectors, composition, improves the brand's endogenous leadership ability from different levels and multiple dimensions, and builds urban brand promotion IP. The six major sectors will last until July 31. (Qingdao Daily/Guanhai News Wang Guoyu Liu Xijin Rongxiao)

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