The scammer pulled a group, but he did not expect that half of the group was Zhejiang police!

Author:Voice of Zhejiang Time:2022.07.17

Source: Taizhou Public Security

The copyright belongs to the original author, if there is any infringement, please contact it in time

"Police officer, I was pulled into the scam group again ..."

Feng Mou, who had been reported by the case before

Officer Guo Guo from the ancient city police station in Linhai City asked WeChat for help

What exactly is going on?

It turned out that not long ago, Feng was pulled into a single group by scammers. Unexpectedly, Feng was pulled into a similar single group by another wave of scammers. In order to prevent the people in the group avoid the same situation as her, she chose to ask the police for help.

"You immediately pull me in and let me give them a lesson!" Police Officer Guo immediately replied and pulled colleagues into WeChat group one after another.

In order to see what tricks these scammers played, the police decided to stop the soldiers first, and they also became "actors" in the group.

"Participants just need to complete the screenshot of the task and send the payment code to the group, and immediately pay the payment." At this time, many people have joined the group chat. The police judge that there are also some members of them. "Group", prepare for further fraud. Sure enough, in the group, members soon released the news of the success of the collection. It seems that the "atmosphere group" is already in place.

"Familiar taste, familiar formula, and familiar routine, this is a typical scam for mission." The police talked, and then continued to "dormant" the scam group waiting for the timing.

When most people in the group finished the first ordinary task, the police realized that scammers might start to act. Sure enough, watching the popular scammers in the group couldn't hold back, and began to induce members of the group to download the fraud app.

start to act! In order to prevent the masses in this group of chats from being deceived, the police did not hesitate, and immediately sent several anti -fraud publicity links and early warning information in the group, reminding everyone to beware of scams, and the scammer immediately closed.

After seeing the scammers who were frustrated, they sent several emoticons to swipe the screen in an attempt to subdue the anti -fraud information released by the police in the group. But how can the police make them succeed? At this time, dozens of policemen who dormant in the group said collectively, "This is the Linhai Public Security Bureau. This group is a fraudulent group. Please retreat immediately to avoid being deceived and causing property losses."

The scammers did not expect that there were more than a dozen policemen in the group they built. Seeing that the incident was revealed, the scammers moved the police who exposed their identities out of the group chat.

The police who were removed from the group chat quickly contacted the members of the group that they added at the beginning of the group, showing their identities, and let them continue to remind and forward anti -fraud publicity in the group to prevent others from being deceived.

"Thank you for reminding the police officer! Otherwise, many people will be fraud." After a wave of operations by the police, members of the group chose to withdraw from the group chat. The cunning scammer was "tragic" Waterloo.

- END -

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