British "Financial Times": The United States looks like "not like a developed economy"

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.07.17

Xinhua News Agency, London, July 16 (Reporter Rhododendron) The British "Financial Times" recently published an article saying that now the US political risks have increased, social division is deepened, and the public trust in the government is at the lowest level. Economy".

This article entitled "Is the United States began to be more like an emerging market?" As saying that since the financial crisis in 2008, the two parties made by the United States Congress, including rescue banks instead of house owners, and decision -making, which are largely reduced corporate taxes, caused The US people's trust in government agencies declined. A recent polls by the Gallop Consulting company in the United States show that the degree of trust in government agencies at government agencies is currently at the lowest level.

The Federal Supreme Court overthrowing the jurisprudence of abortion rights at the federal level at the federal level in June this year, "Luo Jie Wade Case", and canceling the constitutional protection of women's abortion rights. The article believes that the above -mentioned rulings and federal agencies' operational capabilities at the United States will further weaken and split the United States.

The article wrote that the United States has faced large -scale shooting events in various places and has risen in inflation rapidly. The US riots in the United States broadcast by television will allow each student to see that such armed violence activities can be in the United States. True happened. These promoting some investors to discuss, as far as political risks and uncertainty are concerned, "whether the United States has begun to become more like an emerging market, not a developed economy."

The founder and co -director of the investigation company "Galukiante Company" Mark Rosenberg tracked various political risk indicators for a long time. According to Rosenberg, US political risks ranked 85th among 127 tracked countries and regions, but ranked highest among all developed countries.

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