Yituan County launched the "6 · 26" international anti -drug day theme publicity activity

Author:Xinzhou Justice Time:2022.07.17

On June 26, on the occasion of the 35th "June 26" International Anti -Drug Day, Yituan County launched the "6 · 26" international anti -drug day theme publicity activities with the theme of "healthy life, green and non -toxic". Gao Yuelong, deputy secretary of the county party committee, county head, county, and county forbidden drug commission, attended the event. Liu Xiaochun, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Deputy Director of the County Forbidden Drug Commission chaired the launching ceremony.

Gao Yuelong, deputy secretary of the county party committee, county head, county, and county forbidden drug committee

Gao Yuelong pointed out that the "6.26" international anti -drug day propaganda activities are important activities for the county party committee and county government to fully implement the central decision -making and deployment and rectify the problem of highlighting drugs. He emphasized that it is necessary to vigorously advocate the concept of "healthy life, green and non -toxic", firmly establish awareness of anti -drugs, stimulate the morale of the general public, consolidate the power of the whole society, resist the hazards of drugs with practical actions. A good fashion of anti -drug.

Liu Xiaochun, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Deputy Director of the County Forbidden Drug Commission chaired the launching ceremony

Zheng Jinxiu, deputy county magistrate of the county government, director of the county public security bureau, and executive deputy director of the county forbidden drug committee

At the launching ceremony, young student representatives work for anti -drug initiative

After the launching ceremony, the leaders who participated in the event visited the anti -drug propaganda board, and distributed the anti -drug leaflets and anti -drug promotional small gifts. Anti -drug social workers show the masses of drug models, explain the relevant legal knowledge of drugs to the masses through real cases, etc., so that the masses can understand the types and harm of drugs, improve the awareness of anti -drug, anti -drug, and drug refusal. Crime has made due contributions to the county's anti -drug cause.

Zheng Jinxiu, deputy county magistrate of the county government, director of the county public security bureau, executive deputy director of the county forbidden drug committee; Chen Dianjun, director of the county judicial bureau and deputy director of the county banned drug committee; More than 100 people including the Patrol Police Brigade, the member units of the anti -drug commission, the representative of the youth student, the Rainbow Social worker, and the youth volunteers participated in the promotional activity.

It is understood that more than 1,200 anti -drug propaganda materials were distributed in the propaganda activities, more than 500 propaganda materials, and 12 exhibition boards were placed. By carrying out this anti -drug propaganda activity, the coverage and influence of anti -drug propaganda was further expanded, so that the masses clearly recognized the harm of drugs. While increasing self -prevention awareness, it created a strong atmosphere for the participation of anti -drug struggles for the whole people, laying a strong atmosphere, and laid the layout A solid foundation has received good results.

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