Xi'an Jianda Cities Planning 92 Alumni Yang Wei won the "2021-2022 Affecting the World Chinese Award"

Author:Xi'an University of Architect Time:2022.07.17

"Tell the story of Chinese, show the Chinese style and promote the spirit of the Chinese", on the evening of July 16th, "the world is beautiful because of you-20121-2022 affects the world's Chinese ceremony" successfully concluded, the ceremony has made outstanding contributions to China and the world for outstanding contributions to the world and the world. The Chinese examples are tribed. Qin Dahe, Zhang Rongqiao, Yang Wei, Lu Yuming, Lai Xuanzhi, Gu Ailing, Lu Xiajun, EDG E -sports Club's "League of Legends" and Liu Xiaoyu won the honor.

Yang Wei, a undergraduate 1992 alumni of the School of Architecture, the School of Architecture of our school, has won "the world because of the beauty of you-20121-2022 affects the World Hua Ji Award" due to his outstanding contribution in the field of urban planning.

The "Affecting the World Chinese Ceremony" has begun since 2007, becoming an important brand activity of the Chinese world to enhance international communication and condense Chinese power. In the past 15 years, Yang Zhenning, Yuan Longping, Jin Yong, Pei Mingming, Tu Yu, etc. have won the "Awarded Lifetime Award of the World". There are nearly a hundred individuals or groups who have won the "affecting the World Award of the World" in different sectors. More than a hundred outstanding Chinese people have appeared on the stage of "the world is beautiful because of you -influenced the world Chinese ceremony", showing the world the outstanding wisdom and valuable quality of Chinese children, and also made the global Chinese more proud due to the power of examples of examples. And cohesion.

Yang Wei: Following things and wisdom to paint a variety of common commons ⽣

In 1999, Yang Weiyuan, a Beijing girl in her early 20s, went to study in the UK. After that, she continued to break the "professional ceiling" in the industry.

Due to the influence of Chinese culture from an early age, Yang Wei borrowed the system of harmonious and balanced Chinese medicine in Chinese medicine, created the 21st century rural urban space planning method, and won the 2014 Wofoson Economics Award Final Award. The second largest economics award.

In 2017, Yang Wei was awarded a member of the British Academy of Social Sciences. In 2021, she became the first non -White Chairman in the 107 -year history of the Royal Planning Society and the first Chinese chairman of the International Society of the International Planning Society.

Yang Wei made award -winning speech

This time Yang Wei won "the world is beautiful because of your beauty-20121-2022 affects the World Hua Tao Award", Zhang Xiaobei, president of the European Times Cultural Media Group, presented a prize and awarded the award word: " The environment is creating and changing ⼈, and ⼈ is also creating and transforming the environment. Being able to create a balance system of 、 、, society, and harmonious coexistence is a good vision of our time. ⼈⼒ ⼈⼒.

Yang Wei received the "2021-2022 influence of the World Chinese Awards" through a cloud connection. In her award-winning speech, she especially thanked her alma mater Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, and said that this award is the honor for all planners. The world brings beauty. "

This ceremony is jointly by China News Agency, Hong Kong Dagong Wenhui Media Group, Mingzhou Daily, Wantwangzhong Media Group As well as The World Daily (North America), Asian Weekly, European Times, Chinese Herald (Japan) and many other influential Chinese media institutions at home and abroad were jointly sponsored by Phoenix Satellite TV and Phoenix.com. For the first time, the ceremony broke the regional restrictions and set up a stage in Beijing and Hong Kong. The winners around the world went to the event through the cloud line. Dreaming linkages of multi -regions and countries with the same time and space with dance design and innovative packaging methods have brought new experiences to global audiences.

Alumni profile:

Yang Wei, a 1992 alumni of the Urban Planning of the School of Architecture of our school. In 1996, after graduating with the first place in graduation, she received a master's and doctoral degree from Shefield University in the United Kingdom from 1999 to 2005. In 2011, she founded the first well-known urban planning firm in Europe in London-Yang Wei and partner (urban planning) firm named after the Chinese name. Research and practical work is committed to popularizing the best experience in urban planning internationally. Yang Wei borrowed the system of harmonious and balanced Chinese medicine, and created the 21st century of pastoral urban spatial planning methods, and won the 2014 Woleson Economics Award Finals. This is the second largest economics award in the world after the Nobel Prize in Economics. In 2017, Yang Wei was elected Fellow of Academy of Social Sciences. He is the only academician selected as a designer in the British Academy of Social Sciences. It is also one of the youngest academicians. Selected as one of the "most influential female planners" and was selected by the Singapore government as "Outstanding Young Leaders in the World". Due to her international influence, Academician Yang Wei was hired as a director of the British Library by British digital, culture, media and sports ministers. In September 2019, Academician Yang Wei was elected as the vice chairman of the British Royal Planning Society in 2020, and served as chairman in 2021. He was the first non -white chairman in the history of the society and the first Chinese chairman of the world's international planning society.

Expand reading:

Yang Wei, an alumni of Xi'an Jianda University as Chairman of the British Royal Planning Society 2021

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