From January to June, Zibo's "Nezha Enterprise" Feiyuan gas output value increased by 82.8%year -on -year, and precise services were exchanged for "acceleration

Author:Zibo Daily Time:2022.07.17

□ Zibo Daily/Zibo Evening News/Expo News

Reporter Yang Qiuyun

"Feiyuan Gas achieved an output value of 4.03 million yuan in the first half of this year, an increase of 82.8%year -on -year ..." Among many enterprises in Gaoqing County, Shandong Feiyuan Gas Co., Ltd. ("Feiyuan Gas") is more representative: 2021 In the year, the title of "Nezha Enterprise" in Zibo City was a special new and green factory enterprise. In 2020, the output value of Feiyuan Gas was 324 million yuan, and the output value of 2021 was 528 million yuan, an increase of 62.8%year -on -year. In the first half of the year, a remarkable "transcript" was surrendered.

Why does Feiyuan Gas achieve such a good result? The enterprise uses its own advantages to expand the industrial chain pattern and based on the large domestic cycle, focusing on breaking the 5.6N (purity 99.9996%) above high -purity trifluorfluoride production technology, breaking the high -purity trifluorfluoride technology technology, which has been long been in the United States and South Korea for a long time The technical barrier of Japan's monopolized technical barriers has resolved the problem of domestic "stuck neck" and fills the domestic gap.

In addition to its own core competitiveness, Feiyuan Gas has achieved such high -quality development, and it is inseparable from the meticulous service of the "Gaoqing County Enterprise Cultivation and Growth Headquarters". According to the relevant person in charge, during the tight power supply period, the headquarters office actively coordinated the power supply department, listed Feiyuan Gas as a first -class enterprise, and formulated a power limit policy for "one enterprise, one policy" to maximize the supply of flying source gas power; During the epidemic sealing and control, the headquarters office helped enterprises to apply for personnel and vehicle traffic permits, guided enterprise employees to focus on accommodation, and coordinated raw materials and product logistics vehicles smoothly ...

It is reported that since the establishment of the "Gaoqing County Enterprise Cultivation and Growth Headquarters", it takes "serving enterprises and the growth of enterprises" as the main line. Increase quality and efficiency, green ecology.

Now Gaoqing County has realized the "one -do" policy of helping the enterprise, serving the company's "one ledger", performing duties "one guide", and an "one set of solutions" as an assessment. Policy training for the service enterprise commissioner will plan to carry out 12 batches of training and counseling throughout the year; prepare for the launch of the "companion enterprise" applet to allow enterprises to run less legs and let the platform be applied more; Corporate commissioners have visited more than 200 investigations and investigated companies, 156 problems, and 69 have been resolved.

Precision services have surrendered the high -quality answer sheet of high -quality development of industrial enterprises in the first half of the year: as of now, 48 "semi -finals" industrial enterprises in Gaoqing County have reached 48, which were added from the end of 2021. From the end of 2021 Industrial enterprises completed the output value of 12.071 billion yuan, an increase of 12.74%year -on -year, of which 693 million yuan was completed, a year -on -year increase of 64.8%.

With the production of a number of key projects such as Heda New Materials and Australian Fan New Materials in Gaoqing County, it is expected that the growth rate of industrial output value and value -added growth in the whole year will be at the forefront of the city.

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