Changjingbo, Wuhou District, Chengdu: Establishing a ledger for the establishment of a ledger for pregnant women in the seal -controlled area and the elderly living alone | Directly hit the press conference

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.17

Cover Journalist Lai Fangjie Intern Dai Jianglan

On the evening of July 17, Changjingbo, Wuhou District, Chengdu, notified the situation of the prevention and control of the epidemic in Wuhou District.

Starting the second round of nucleic acid detection on July 17

820,000 people in the first round are negative

Cover reporters learned that since the epidemic occurred, Wuhou District found a total of 4 positive cases. At present, Wuhou District has found 603 secrets and 469 people, of which 303 people are controlled by Wuhou District and 202 of the sub -interconnection, all of which have been included in concentration or home isolation.

After the epidemic, Wuhou District implemented the first round of nucleic acid testing at 18:00 on July 15th. 820,000 people were detected overnight, which basically achieved full coverage, and the results were negative. According to the requirements of the municipal epidemic prevention and control headquarters, the district launched the second round of full -member nucleic acid test at 7 am on July 17. A total of 401 sampling points were set up in the district, 1241 samples were set up, 2364 nucleic acid sampling personnel were dispatched, and 94 were transferred to transport vehicles. At present, 891,000 people have been completed, and the test results are expected to be reported tonight. At the same time, 118 nucleic acid testing points are also opened to provide the citizens with "three days and two inspections" free testing services.

Pregnant women in the seal -controlled area, elderly living alone, etc.

Establish a ledger special guarantee

At present, Wuhou District will be in confirmation cases 3 and 6 cases of cases in China, China Greenwich City, and a medical beauty shop in the bottom of the company, 1-2 buildings of Baihua Apartments, and the first part of the first part of the case. A community No. 28 is defined as a high -risk zone. All residents implement the control requirements and implement the prevention and control measures of "not leaving home and on -site services".

The No. 15 section No. 15, No. 15, Renmin South Road, where the work unit is located, and other areas of the Greenwich City and the No. 28 section No. 28 of the No. 1 Ring Road. "Prevention and control measures.

Other areas of Wuhou District are low -risk areas, and normalized prevention and control measures such as scanning, temperature measurement, and masks are strictly implemented. In accordance with the requirements of the municipal epidemic prevention and control headquarters, some entertainment venues have been suspended and operated, and prevention and control measures such as "personal protection and avoiding gathering" are performed.

In response to three high -risk areas, Wuhou District has established 6 working groups including health monitoring, medical security, and living services in each community to carry out one -on -one nucleic acid testing, material support, and policy promotion.

In response to the mid -risk zone, the outstanding party members and enthusiastic people who live in the building as the head of the building are selected as the head of the building, and they have a self -service and mutual assistance management with the staff. A material guarantee unit was formed, and timely distribution of materials after purchasing materials on the residential line. For residents who do not use online procurement, they will be purchased and distributed uniformly after collecting demand for the guarantee group.

For 5 maternal mothers, 32 elderly people, 14 patients, and 23 disabled people in the seal -controlled area, establish a personnel account, arrange special personnel to provide guarantee services, and regularly collect chronic patients to purchase medicines, and immediately distribute.

At the same time, a psychological care group was also formed to open a hot line of psychological counseling service, which is responsible for the psychological guidance of residents. At present, the supply of supplies in the seal control area is sufficient and the life is smooth and orderly.

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