Prevention of minors obsessed with online initiative

Author:Dazhou released Time:2022.06.15

The city's Internet operator, the majority of their families, and citizen friends:

In recent years, social problems caused by the indulgence of minors have received widespread attention from all walks of life. In order to promote the core values ​​of socialism, promote the construction of online civilization, effectively protect the physical and mental health of minors, and prevent network obsession.

I. Network service providers should consciously abide by national laws and regulations, vigorously promote socialist excellent traditional culture and moral standards, and strive to provide healthy green network cultural products and information content services, and provide a good network environment for the healthy growth of minors.

2. Online game operations enterprises should improve the construction of minors' protection mechanisms, use Internet technology to strengthen online game prevention and real name verification, and effectively fulfill the social responsibility of online game operation companies.

3. The news media should strengthen the positive guidance and publicity of the whole society, establish a good fashion of respect, protection, and educating minors, promote the effective means of preventing the Internet obsessed with minors, clarify the harm of indulging in the Internet, call for parents and schools to call for parents and schools. Jointly fulfill the responsibility for monitoring and guardianship of minors.

4. Parents should strengthen their awareness of guardianship, pay attention to the network behavior of minors in time, guide minors to conduct activities that are good for physical and mental health, and prevent and stop bad behaviors such as online games.

5. Young people should cultivate positive and healthy hobbies, participate in more cultural and sports activities, reduce the time of using electronic products, and use more energy to grow knowledge and strong physique.

6. The majority of netizens should take the initiative to play the role of social supervision, actively participate in comprehensive network governance, consciously resist various types of violations and bad harmful information, and supervise and report the harmful information and platforms containing the obsession of minors.

Report URL:

Illegal and bad information reporting center

Sichuan Internet Badcores and Illegal Information Report Center

Dazhou City Network Information Office illegal and bad information reporting center

Preventing minors' indulging networks requires joint efforts from all walks of life, let us join hands, create a clear network space for minors, and jointly protect the healthy growth of minors!

Dazhou Municipal Party Committee Network Information Office

June 13, 2022

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