Notice of Liaoning Flood Control and Drought Resistance Headquarters on Starting Flood Control IV Emergency Response

Author:Peninsula Morning Post Time:2022.07.17

Shenyang, Anshan, Tieling, Panjin City Flood Control Drought Resistance Headquarters, provincial defense refers to member units:

Affected by the recent rainfall, the flooding process in the Liaohe River was in the dry flow. At 11:00 on July 17, the water level of Tieling Hydrastial Station rose to 60.22 meters, which was the same as the alarm water level. According to the "Regulations on the Nation of the National Main River River Flood" of the Ministry of Water Resources, the number is "Liaohe 2022 Flood". At present, the river section below the Liaohe River Ganliu Ford has maintained super police.

According to the relevant provisions of the "Liaoning Flood Control and Drought Resistance Emergency Plan", after discussion and judgment, the Provincial Flood and Drought Resistance Command decided to issue blue warnings from 13:00 on July 17 to launch a flood -control IV emergency response.

All members of the provincial flood prevention and drought resistance headquarters should do the corresponding work in accordance with the division of responsibilities and the requirements of IV emergency response. Affected by floods, the cities, counties (cities, districts) flood control and drought resistance commands shall, in accordance with the local "Flood Control Drought Emergency Plan", combine the flood prediction and forecasting to timely start the corresponding level of flood prevention emergency response, implement relevant measures, pay close attention to the rain and water, water and water Love, flood conditions, strengthen duty -on -duty, monitoring forecasts, and business research and judgment, strengthen the use of flood control scheduling and dyke inspection and defense of water engineering, especially do a good job of early warning information release and dangerous areas of dangerous areas. And report the work in a timely manner to report the local government and superior flood prevention drought resistance headquarters. Provincial defense refers to the development of flood prevention work to the provincial defense offices every 4 hours every 4 hours.

Liaoning Flood Control and Drought Resistance Headquarters

July 17, 2022

Source: Beidou Rong Media, Northeast News Network

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