The Shanghai Bureau promotes the repayment of the supply and the repayment and the resumption of the industry's recovery

Author:State Post Office Time:2022.06.15

Recently, in accordance with the relevant work requirements of the State Post Bureau, the Municipal Party Committee, and the Municipal Government, the Shanghai Municipal Post Administration made every effort to promote the conservation and supply of the supply and the resumption of the industry.

From April 1st to the end of May, the entire industry participated in the cumulative 81,000 vehicles of the transportation and maintenance vehicles, and the total of about 360,000 tons of living materials was transported. Participants accumulated about 180,000. The Shanghai Bureau continued to carry out related work to facilitate the recovery of the industry. Actively organize the training of the State Council and the Shanghai Municipal Assistance to Enterprise Affairs, and explain in detail the national policies such as the exemption of courier derived income exempt from VAT. At the same time, the subsidy policy for promoting epidemic prevention and elimination expenditure distribution quota was included in the "Shanghai Municipality to Accelerate Economic Recovery and Revitalizing Action Plan", and on May 30th Policy with grass -roots outlets. Xuan Guanhui will deeply explain the subsidy policy for epidemic prevention and anti -kill expenditure, and at the same time, at the same time, social insurance premiums, reduction of real estate tax and urban land use tax, issuing e -commerce platform consumption coupons, increasing training subsidy and discounting sticker stickers A total of 17 industries related policies were explained in detail. At the same time, the Shanghai Bureau actively safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of the courier brother and actively communicated with the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. Provide standardized employment guarantees to ensure the effective implementation and advancement of work injury insurance work.

The Shanghai Bureau stated that it will continue to do a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic and the restoration of the economy. The first is to improve political standing and implement the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee. The second is to guide enterprises to make good use of various policy dividends. The third is to unblock the feedback channels of difficult pain points in enterprises and make greater contributions to winning the Shanghai defense war.

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