How to choose the summer vacation of students in 2022?These three mobile phones are worth buying, the last one closed

Author:Xiaochen Technology Time:2022.07.17

The first point for the student party to buy mobile phones is to look at the comprehensive performance of the mobile phone, including the processor, screen, image, charging battery life and other aspects equipped with mobile phones. The second is to look at the price. The student party generally has limited budgets, so you must know how to choose a cost -effective mobile phone.

Summer vacation is a good time to change mobile phones. How to choose a student party change in the summer vacation in 2022? These three good mobile phones that must be entered into the flagship are worth trying, of which the last one can be closed.

The first, Xiaomi 12s Ultra

The Snapdragon 8+ processor and Leica optical lens are all its characteristics. The biggest feature is to take pictures. The comprehensive strength is very strong and has excellent performance, but there is no advantage in the price. And the 8GB+256GB version is always free of stock, so if you want to start, you can only put the high version, the price is 6.5K. For a friend who wants to experience Leica images, then Xiaomi 12S Ultra can try it.

The second paragraph, OnePlus 10Pro

The Almighty flagship that can start in less than 4K can be said to be very cost -effective. The Snapdragon 8 flagship processor plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one -plus performance. The game experience is very good. Make the performance fully play and make the game experience better.

OnePlus 10PRO is a designated machine for the two major games of Peace Elite and League of Legends mobile games. It can get the official recognition of these two major e -sports games. It can be seen that this phone has excellent performance in the game.

In addition, there are Hasu blessings in the image, Sony IMX789 base, the image ability is unquestionable, there is no need to worry about any color and clarity, even if the photography Xiaobai can take a full texture.

Coupled with the 5000mAh battery and 80W flash charging, you don't need to worry about the power problem. Unfortunately, it does not support infrared.

The third paragraph, iPhone13 Pro

If the budget is sufficient, you can close your eyes. Some people will say that after a period of time, the iPhone14 will come out, what else can you buy, but you must know that the current iPhone14 parameters have basically been exposed. Essence And the price of 13Pro is moderate. At present, it can start with more than 7,000. The lack is the 6.1 -inch screen slightly smaller, and the charging speed is a bit slow. It is more suitable for friends who like small screens.

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