Focus on the twelfth party congress of the province 丨 as the three military villages in the south of

Author:Jining Daily Time:2022.06.08

On June 2nd, the party members and cadres of Sanjun Village, Nanzhang Street in the urban area organized the spirit of the 12th Party Congress of the province.

After studying the spirit of the twelfth party congress report of our province, Wang Jingtao, secretary of the village party branch, said: \"After listening to the report of the party congress, I am encouraged.Secretary, actively explore the development path of new rural collective economic development in the report, and vigorously develop the rural rich people's industry. We will learn and understand the spirit of this meeting, and effectively give play to the role of the grassroots party organization's fighting fortress and the vanguard of party members, and further furtherStrengthen the flower industry of our village and drive more villagers to increase their income. \"

(Reporter Li Shengnan Correspondent Jing Menghan)

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