The Hong Kong News Federation organized the 25th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to return to the motherland

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.07.18

Text/Yangcheng Evening News, all media reporter in Hong Kong, Zhang Hao Wang Manqi

Figure/Yangcheng Evening News, all media reporters from Hong Kong, Tang Mingming

On the evening of July 16, the Hong Kong Journalist Federation (hereinafter referred to as the "News Union") and the Hong Kong Gonggong Wenhui Media Group celebrated the 25th Anniversary Gala of Hong Kong's return to the motherland on the "Oriental Pearl" cruise ship.

Li Jiachao, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, said in a video speech that the News Union is the guardian of Hong Kong's prosperity and stability. It is expected that he can continue to adhere to the objective and fair industry spirit and correctly convey the government's administration information. He said that Hong Kong is currently entering the critical moment of Zhizhi and Xingxing. The press in the press is far away. It is necessary to use professional persons to self -contain themselves, "specialize in specialty", respect the responsibility of news and morality, and aim to continue to be better and more professional.

Li Jiachao said that he hoped that the press will tell the story of Hong Kong together with the government, compose a new chapter together, and spread the successful experience of "one country, two systems" to the world, and the extraordinary achievements created by the Hong Kong SAR's unique advantages under the unique advantages of the "one country, two systems".

Jiang Zaizhong, chairman of the Council of the News Federation, said that the News Union has always adhered to the policy of patriotism and love of the party, strived to adhere to the social responsibility of media workers, will not forget the original intention and move forward, continue to carry forward the fine traditions of tolerance and integrity, unity, unity, unity, unity, unity, unity, and unity, unity, and unity, unity, and unity, unity, and unity, unity, and unity, unity, and unity, unity, and unity, and unity, unity, and unity. Serving the Hong Kong media peers, adhering to the fair, objective and comprehensive value concept, and strive to inject the positive energy into the correct values ​​for the society.

There are also wonderful literary performances at the Gala party, including song singing, band performances, Sichuan opera changes, etc. The representative of the 12th Port District National People's Congress and patriotic singer Zhang Mingmin also sang on the spot.

Participants appeared on the ship's deck at 8 pm to enjoy the night view of Victoria Harbor and the "Fantasy Wing Xiangjiang" music show. Finally, the collective chorus "Oriental Pearl" celebrated Hong Kong's 25th anniversary of returning to the motherland, and the party officially ended in the singing.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Responsible editor | Yang Chuyi

School pair | He Qiyun

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