Yi Xi Qianxi abandoned the National Theater, "Take a step back" the sea wide sky | Time Comment

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.07.18


Yi Xi Qianxi issued a statement on the 17th of the National Theater on the 17th stating that during the application process, he fully followed the National Campaign Theater Recruitment Notice and Examination requirements. It has never been used to obtain places in any so -called "shortcut" method. Yi Xi Qianxi also said that all kinds of rumors related to his family made him feel absurd and fear that he had never had before. After careful thinking, he decided to give up the entry of the National Theater. (China News Agency)

Yi Qian Qianxi at the forefront of the wind finally chose to "retreat and retreat". At the end of the statement that he tried to argue himself, he threw the decision to "abandon the National Theater", and it seemed full of grievances. The entire process of recurring this matter, netizens questioned the endless voice, but Yi Xi Qianxi insisted that it was wrong. So, where is the problem? In the final analysis, what the public worry is nothing more than a celebrity with improper competition to form an invasion of the interests of ordinary people -of course, this narrative model has both a realistic foundation and imagination.

Yi Xi Qianxi clarified that there was no "radish pit" and never "taken shortcuts". Earlier, the response of the National Theater was similar. In fact, the Internet's statement about "Yixian Qianxi's admission to the National Theater is greasy" and did not come up with persuasive evidence. Those "accusations" are more based on conjectures, or an empirical "love association". The reason why it triggered resonance and echoing people was obviously because this explanation framework echoed a certain social reality, and it looked nose and eyes.

The so -called "things that people know the eyes" are often just evidence, that is, "the position is first, and the demonstration is omitted." In the impression of the public, most celebrities artists are "academic power -up" and "insufficient test power". The tests that compose such troops over the wooden bridge can easily raise their hands, so they inevitably questioned.

Yi Xi Qianxi was admitted to the National Theater and stirred up its stir. On the one hand, it is easy to be interpreted as the "celebrity" deprivation of the opportunity of "ordinary people"; on the other hand, it is also easy to be regarded as popular entertainment. Essence In the context of this "double anxiety", Yi Xi Qianxi was inevitably thrown in the storm eye of public opinion.

Needless to say, at least it can be convinced that the "combination" of Yi Xi Qianxi and the National Theater is a win -win move required for each. In essence, this is a process of strong combination and resource replacement. It was a pity that this wave of operations hurt the "third party", and eventually the promise was blown. Many times, "winning" is often "friendly." Yi Qian Qianxi, who takes one step back, must be more thorough to the way of choice, and this is not a bad thing.

(Yangcheng Evening News, submitted mailbox: [email protected])

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Picture | Weibo

Responsible editor | Fu Mingtu Jiang Xueyuan

School pair | He Qiyun

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