The epidemic rapidly worsen the over half of the US population in high -risk areas

Author:Henan Daily Client Time:2022.07.18

New crown virus variants, Omikon's new subtype BA.5, accelerated. There are currently nearly 90 million confirmed cases in the United States.

According to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, compared with the epidemic data of the previous week, the national epidemic has deteriorated rapidly as of July 16. At present, a total of 1,143 counties in the United States have been listed as high -risk areas of the new crown pneumonia. This number has increased by 71%over the previous week, and more than half of the American population is in high -risk areas.

The hospital's pressure sharply increased Los Angeles County or restarted the mask order

In Los Angeles, which is listed as a high -risk zone, data released by the local Public Health Bureau shows that an average of more than 6,400 confirmed cases per day, the number of hospitalization and deaths continues to rise. The number of deaths is twice as high as this data in June. Under the new wave of epidemic, many local hospitals in the local area increased sharply.

Vadgaga, a doctor of the intensive care unit of a local hospital: In the past few days, we had to arrange for the new crown patients to stay in the emergency room for 12 to 24 hours, and they would not turn them over until we had an empty bed. If this situation lasted for another one or two weeks, we had to restore the quantitative distribution of the previous medical resources.

Ferrell, director of the Public Health Bureau of Los Angeles County, recently warned that if this situation continues, Los Angeles County will forcibly restore the implementation of the "indoor mask order" on July 29 until the US CDC will relegate Los Angeles County to "central risk to central risks. "The district will relax this measure.

The actual number of confirmed cases may be much higher than the official data

Due to the accelerated spread of the newly -crown virus variants, the new subtype BA.5, and the data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that since July, the United States has added more than 100,000 new diagnosis cases in the United States since July. In this regard, Shafel, an associate professor of the Fields School of Public Health at the University of California, Los Angeles, said that because many Americans currently test the new crown virus at home or simply do not do it, the actual number of cases is likely to be much higher than the current US official institution Statistics data.

Measures to relax the epidemic prevention and control are facing huge challenges

U.S. media generally believe that the rapid spread of New Yam -type BA.5 has brought huge challenges to the prevention and control of the epidemic, but the current prevention and control measures in the United States are still relatively relaxed and the epidemic prevention situation is worrying.

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