Make the community party building work in the hearts of the masses

Author:Guangming Daily Time:2022.07.18

[Our new era]

In 2006, I came to work in Bei'anmen Community. Here is the old community, and there are more than 10,000 residents, with a population ratio of over 22%. At first I was a little retreated in my heart, but I felt that as a party member, it should be a heavy burden.

How to do the work of the party secretary of the community? I decided to listen to the opinions of the masses first. In half a year, I visited the community more than 3,700 households. I have a point in the special group.

What is a community grass -roots party building? It is to consolidate the people's hearts and become popular, and send the care of the party and the government to millions of households.

Over the years, I have led the community to rectify the environment, organize pairing assistance, organize cultural and sports activities ... What we think of what the masses want and lack.

Once a night walk, I found that the infrastructure of the first half of the mountain garden community was outdated. There were two buildings of the two buildings. This needs to be transformed, but how do you build and build? I didn't count in my heart.

I call the residents' council, ask the grid secretary, resident representatives, and veteran party members with architecture structure to discuss the solutions with the design unit, modify the design of the drawing again and again, and on -site supervision to ensure that the blueprint does not change into reality. Essence On the day of the completion, the residents had a thumbs up and praised, "small changes brought big convenience."

In the past 16 years of community work, I have deeply realized that the strength of a person and a community is too limited. To solve the problem of community people's livelihood, it is necessary to "four or two pounds." We used party members to quote the community and gather the masses with the community, and set up the "Zhiyou" workstation "," Fire Phoenix Station "and" Sister Zhao Studio "to give full play to the role of party members' model leaders.

We also want to try to integrate resources and hold the "Men's Menu Menu Recruitment Association" for many years. Through party members and the masses, the community party committees receive orders, and co -construction units are used to solve people's livelihood issues such as waterlogging, lane potholes, and lack of street lights.

Today, the community environment is clean and orderly, and the residents' happiness index has been greatly improved. Furthermore, I have to continue to work hard to take the party building work as the starting point, and make services to the people's hearts.

(Reporter Su Yan and Liu Jieyi interviewed and sorted out)

【Edit: Fangjialiang】

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