1024.9 mm!Shishi semi -year rainfall is approaching the average annual value

Author:Shishi Rong Media Time:2022.06.15

According to the news from the Meteorological Bureau of Shishi, as of 18:00 this year, the cumulative rainfall of Shishi reached 1024.9 mm, and the average rainfall in recent years was 1238.5 mm. At 16:30 on the 14th, the Shishi Meteorological Bureau increased the early warning of the rainstorm to level III, and the Shishi City's anti -finger launched a ritual ritual IV emergency response at the same time. As of 18:00 yesterday, the city sinks 2,000 cadres in the city, and 169 people in dangerous areas such as low -lying areas, old houses, and construction sheds.

Lightning yellow warning, heavy rain orange warning ... On the morning of the 14th, the Meteorological Bureau of Shishi City continued to issue meteorological early warning information, "swipe the screen" again, and it was accompanied by thunder and lightning. Shishi City's anti -refer to the flood movement, and the towns (streets) quickly organized personnel to investigate the dangerous areas such as dangerous houses and low -lying areas to transfer and resettle the crowds of dangerous areas; Strengthen inspections and inspections in key areas such as construction sites, easy accumulation water points, gates of reservoir mountain ponds, and underground space to timely eliminate hidden risks. In addition, all relevant units are prepared for rescue and rescue, and professional rescue teams such as fire rescue brigades have gathered on standby. According to Shishi Meteorological rainfall, from 8:00 to 20:00 on the 14th, the cumulative rainfall of each town (street) was Yongning, reaching 44.4 mm.

The meteorological department predicts that the rainwater of Shishi will still be "online" in the next two days, and the situation may be accompanied by strong convective weather such as short -term heavy precipitation, strong lightning, 7-9 short -term winds. From the 17th, the cold air retired, and the warm and humid air was "controlled" again. The rain of Lion City weakened, mostly decentralized showers or thunderstorms, and the temperature gradually increased to about 28 ° C.

According to the Fujian Provincial Meteorological Bureau, since May (May 1 to June 13), the average number of rainfall days in the province is 33.5 days, which is the second most in history since 1961. The average accumulated precipitation of the province is 573.9 mm. It is 218.9 mm (62%) more than the same period of the same year, which is the second most in history, second only to 670.9 mm in 2006.

(Reporter Lin Enbing Yan Huajie Correspondent Lin Lianfa Cai Jinyu)

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