Expand the circle of friends.

Author:Taiyuan Daily Time:2022.07.18

To develop the economy, projects are support, and investment promotion is the key. Our city focuses on the first priority of the economy and further give play to the promotion of investment promotion and project construction on economic and social development. Since June, the special activity of the "Industrial Chain Investment Promotion Action Month" has set off a new round of investment and construction The boom of the city has saved new momentum for the high -quality development of the city.

"Chain" connects the future

"Ancient Taiyuan is seizing new opportunities for development, transitioning Taiyuan Zhengnang's new journey, and opening Taiyuan to fully shape new advantages ..." On the afternoon of July 13, the Zhongshan Hall of the Guangzhou Baiyun International Conference Center, Shanxi Province (Pearl River Delta) steel industry At the Symposium on Cooperation and Development, the promotion on the big screen described the development speed and openness of Taiyuan.

As one of the series of activities in Shanxi Province to undertake the connection between the Pearl River Delta industrial transfer cooperation and cooperation, the symposium is held simultaneously in the form of a video connection, and it is held in Guangzhou and Taiyuan City. Chain and clusters help the high -quality development of the steel industry in our city.

The event is mainly based on the "chain owner" enterprise Tai Sang Group, and many related companies related to the steel industry have been invited to participate. At the meeting, Li Xuefeng, Assistant General Manager of the "Chain Lord" Enterprise Taosteel Group, said that he would fulfill the duties of the "chain owner", build an industrial chain work system, and jointly industrial chain enterprises, and accelerate the construction of the world's leading and domestic first -class special steel material industry chain. Actively use the chain to attract chain, seize the opportunity period and window period of Shanxi Province's new energy vehicle industry chain, wind power equipment industry chain, and hydrogen energy industry chain to provide one -stop solutions for steel and new materials to provide enterprises in the enterprise And invest in better services.

"I have been paying attention to the industrial developments here, and I am confident in the development of Taiyuan City." "We have a good foundation for cooperation with Tai Gang. I hope to take this opportunity to discover more cooperation opportunities in Taiyuan." ... Guangdong Steel Industry Association, Guangdong Province Representatives from the Pearl River Delta steel industry such as Yuantong Stainless Steel, Dewei Management, and Jiangjiang Group admitted frankly. Through this activity, Taiyuan took the initiative to seize the opportunities for the economic overflow of the Pearl River Delta industrial economy, and actively carried out the deep upstream and downstream cooperation of the steel industry chain, which promoted the integration and development of the steel industry chain in the north and south.

In this special event of the city's "Industrial Chain Investment Promotion Action Month", counties (cities, districts) and development zones determine one or a batch of industrial chain "chain owners" in their respective regional tailor -style "chain owners" according to the actual situation. Related upstream and downstream, follow up and carry out investment promotion.

Be a strong cross -border e -commerce new format. Recently, the third Shanxi Cross -border E -commerce Industry Summit held by 2022 was hosted by Shanxi Shengyao Incubation Park Management Co., Ltd., the main company of Yingze District. Advanced concept. The summit attracted more than 100 upstream and downstream companies to participate in the meeting, and nearly 1 million people observed online. The activity is equivalent to designing a "pairing map" of the cooperation of the industrial chain, which makes upstream and downstream enterprises aware of the position and clarify the direction.

All counties (cities, districts) and development zones have set up the chain to replenish the chain of the chain, and have determined their own chain -owned enterprises and actively promoted.

Play the "recruit" card

Functional areas, trading areas, service areas, etc. are orderly, intellectual property rights, technical consulting, scientific and technological conversion and other issues solve one by one ... Enter the third floor of the Jindaku Building of Rongjun North Street.

The center started operation at the end of June and was invested and constructed by the small store government. The entrustment of third -party institutions to operate in a market -oriented manner. Industry gathering, policy landing, transformation and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, high -quality development of scientific and technological innovation empowering industries and high -quality market entities, and realizing the six major functions of the business environment and then upgrade.线下平台服务面积3800多平方米,服务涵盖科技服务业7大类88个小类;线上平台实现了政策的智能化匹配,实现了政策与企业、人才与企业、技术与企业、金融与Cabin -free docking of the project.

Letting enterprises develop more healthily, we must have a steady stream of motivation. "It is equivalent to making a fertile soil for the industrial chain." Liu Yuqing, the person in charge of the operation of the center, said that the introduction of high -quality development of enterprises requires good soil, environment and support, from the perspective of talents, cooperation agencies, service agencies, etc. Meet the needs of the company's entire development ecological chain upstream. As the first batch of enterprises settled in the platform, Shi Ranran said frankly that this is a diversified, three -dimensional, and multi -element platform that will achieve upstream and downstream penetration and establish a complete investment system and ecological chain.

"Solving needs!" Liu Yuqing introduced that all work in the future will be carried out around these four words. Through the scientific and technological achievements of colleges and universities through this platform, it will be made to send charcoal for the urgent demand of various needs, and it will help some high -growth enterprises to help them icing on the cake. It will come up with the optimal and best solutions for each company that comes to seeking help, becoming an expert platform, the stage of talent, the market for intermediaries, and the gas station of the enterprise.

The central operation is the embodiment of the "recruitment" card of the "Industrial Chain Investment Promotion Action Month". The city focuses on characteristic, and specialized investment promotion aims to explore new methods and paths of investment promotion, new paths, accurate investment, extensive docking, and make enough project reserves.

"Exit" Phoenix

Grasp the project to land, achieve fast actions, good service, and solid results! In the past few days, a batch of projects signed by the "Splendid Taiyuan · Get ​​Holding Pengcheng" Taiyuan City Merchants Promotion Conference, our city attaches great importance to, seize action, sincerely serve, and advances, and insists on building a service highland, and builds an investment "depression". "I will try my best to solve it, and there are any questions, although it will be mentioned." On the morning of July 8th, the Taiyuan project docking promotion meeting of Huake Chuangzhi Technology Co., Ltd. Discounted. In response to the project's demands, detailed research one by one, focusing on industrial space, talent policy, scientific research projects, upstream and downstream industrial chains, and the next listing counseling, relevant departments have given specific detailed help.

The original meeting was set for more than two hours, and the participants were still unsatisfactory. In order to accelerate the handling of various issues, the "Huake Innovation Wisdom Group" came into being on the afternoon of the same day, and the personnel of relevant departments such as industrial information, development and reform, taxation, taxation, talent, and promoting investment were interpreted in detail the latest policy content. The total investment of the project is 300 million yuan, which will invest in construction and manufacturing bases to realize the layout of the entire industrial chain of nano -silver ink synthesis, coating, large -scale engineering application, and smart terminal, leading and promoting industrial coordinated development.

On June 23, a member of Li Xing led by Li Xing, vice president of Xinji Industrial Group, to Yangqu County, and successively went to the construction site of the Taixin Integrated Economic Zone, the industrial land of the transformation and development of the industrial park, and the high -end service industrial parks. Examine. After Shanxi Xinji · China Hotel Product Manufacturing Industry Project reached its production project, it directly provided about 2,000 employment positions, 1,000 indirect employment, and attracted various format investment.

At 8 o'clock on July 14, as soon as the flight of Guangdong Aofei theme Culture Technology Co., Ltd. fell on the ground, he went straight to the Xishan Ecological Cultural Tourism Demonstration Zone in Xishan Xishan to conduct a detailed inspection of the Aofei Tong Dream Park project that has been signed a few days ago. Essence After the project is landed, it can create about 100 employment positions, with annual operating income of over 100 million yuan, and annual taxation contribution of more than 10 million yuan.

Today's service is the market tomorrow. Our city provides "tracking" and "nanny -type" high -quality services for the project construction, and "service portfucts" for relatives, securities, and war -warming business to ensure that it is good to recruit business and fast landing, so that all kinds of enterprises can rest assured in our city in our city. Do investment and relief development.

Expand the circle of friends and ring the cooperation door. Taiyuan is booming, and investment promotion will always be on the road. Source: Taiyuan Daily Author: Li Jing

Short review

Everyone is a notire

Investment promotion is the accelerator of local economic development, an important starting point for industrial transformation and upgrading, and the stamina of urban development.

From the recent perspective, it is important to do a good job in attracting investment. It is necessary to wait, unable to afford to, and unsure the sense of crisis, sense of responsibility, and urgency. Make every effort to promote investment promotion.

From a long -term perspective, the investment is now the development of tomorrow, and the development of the future is to cultivate the strength of the future. The high -quality development of the city is inseparable from the support of high -level investment promotion and promotion.

In the good atmosphere of "Everyone is a notire" in the city, we must go all out and strive to win the excellence. More funds, technology, and talents gathered the strong momentum of leapfrog development in our city.

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