Fleeing students!Cancel eliminating the qualifications of the preparation of party members!

Author:Top news Time:2022.06.15

On June 15, the reporter learned from the Shanghai Foreign Language University that due to the serious circumstances of Yin Moumou and the impact, the school gave Yin Moumou a dismissal to Yin Moumou on June 14. At the same time, according to the party rules and party discipline, the qualifications for reserve party members are canceled.

The school stated that it would be considered to be abstained and further strengthened the education of ideological and moral ethics.

On the evening of June 12, I announced that at noon on the same day, when a student was studying at the library, the coffee cup was put on foreign bodies by the student Yin Moumou. In the afternoon of the same day, the students involved were taken away by the public security organs.

On June 13, the Songjiang Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau issued a police report saying that in response to a unknown thing in a girl drink of a girl from Shanghai Foreign Studies University. After preliminary investigation, at 12 noon on June 12, the school student Yin MoumouSome (male, 21 years old) put a foreign body in the school library while the girl left her seat.After the girl drank a sip, she noticed that the coffee was different, dumped the remaining coffee, and reported to the school's security department.After inspection by the hospital, no girl's body was abnormal.Police then found Yin Moumou, who admitted to putting half a piece of taurine foaming tablets in the girl coffee cup, which was purchased from the Internet.The branch bureaus has been sent to the professional and technical departments of the Municipal Bureau for inspection, and the relevant investigation work is under further development.————————————————————————

Source: Surging News

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