2 people are free!There are more than 450 infected in one place in China, and 2,000 tourists are stranded

Author:Hubei Daily Time:2022.07.18

The reporter learned on the evening of July 17 that the new crown pneumonia epidemic occurred on July 12, Haicheng District, Beihai City, Guangxi. In the prevention and control of the epidemic prevention and control, pay attention to work, inadequate risk awareness, improper measures, poor performance, and inadequate responsibilities. Essence

Guangxi Beihai has reported infected infected 9+444

On July 17, Beihai City, Guangxi, held the fifth press conference of the new crown pneumonia epidemic to prevent and control the latest epidemic situation and prevention and control measures. At 0-24 on July 16, 9 new local diagnosis cases (including 3 cases from asymptomatic infections to confirmed cases) and 232 cases of non-symptoms were added. As of 24:00 on July 16, there were 9 local confirmed cases in Beihai City and 444 cases of non -symptoms.

On July 12, the first symptom of infection was confirmed in Haicheng District, Beihai City, Guangxi. Many days since then, the Beihai epidemic has emerged, of which 161 were newly added to the symptoms of natives on the 14th, and 9 new local diagnosis cases were added on the 16th, and 232 cases of infected infected were not infected on the 16th.

According to Beihai City's report, the first case of the "July 12 epidemic" infection virus in the city's "July 12 epidemic" is Omikon BA.2.3, and no genome sequences with high homogeneous input cases in Guangxi and input cases are not found. Genate sequences with high homogeneous homology. At present, the situation of the North Sea epidemic prevention and control is severe and complicated, and the risk of hidden communication in the community will increase the risk of epidemic dissemination and cross -regional activities.

From the 14th, the city's A -level tourist attraction has been suspended.

From 7 o'clock on July 16th, Beihai City implemented partition control, and seated some areas of the Haicheng and Yinhai District as a red zone. Essence

More than 2,000 tourists stayed in Beihai for the epidemic

The press conference reported that more than 2,000 tourists are currently living in the North Sea. In response to the problems reflected by the retention tourists, Beihai City has established a special tourism service class in a timely manner to carry out service and guarantee work to ensure that the demands of detention tourists have been actively responded and dealt with steadily.

After the epidemic emergency, Beihai City touched the current number of tourists through the overall tourism big data system. It promoted the presence of the epidemic prevention and control policies and measures to the presence of the epidemic prevention and control policies and measures for the first time, and strived for tourists' understanding and support. At the same time, actively coordinate passenger transportation companies such as civil aviation, railways, highways, and implement passenger return guarantee measures as soon as possible.

Source: CCTV News Client, People's Daily, Surging News

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