The 2nd China National Spell Summit Academic Forum was held at Chengdu Institute of Physical Education

Author:Future Online Universities Time:2022.07.18

On July 16, the 2nd China State Skills Peak Academic Forum was successfully held at the Chengdu Institute of Physical Education. The conference was hosted by Chengdu Institute of Physical Education and hosted by the Chinese Academy of Arts and Martial Arts Institute of Chengdu. The meeting is based on the theme of "inheritance, development, innovation: the modern thinking of Chinese Chinese art culture", and uses the form of "smallline, on the line" to set up a main report venue and five special report venues.

Li Hongyong, the person in charge of the Cultural Inheritance and Development Division of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, He Yu, director of the Science and Technology and Graduate Education Department of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Education, and relevant experts and scholars in the industry invited to attend the meeting; deputy secretary, principal of the Party Committee of Chengdu Institute of Physical Education, and the Chinese National Arts Academy Chang Pan Xiaofei, Ou Xuelong, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Chengdu Institute of Physical Education, Minister of Propaganda/United Front Work Department, Zhao Bin, Executive Dean of the Chinese Academy of Sports Institute of Chengdu, Zhao Bin, Dean of the School of Martial Arts, as well as the school scientific research department, graduate school/discipline construction office, martial arts college, history The relevant leaders of the School of Culture and other departments and units participated in the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony was chaired by He Benxiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Chengdu Institute of Physical Education.

At the opening ceremony, Pan Xiaofei welcomed his welcome. In his speech, he said that since the Chinese Institute of Arts in August 2020, it has been listed as the first batch of province's key China Cultural Research Institute. , Actively promote the construction of the six major inheritance and development systems, promote the high -quality development of the Chinese State Institute of Arts, and achieve staged results; call on the majority of Chinese surgery researchers and enthusiasts to take the mission, actively perform, study, interpret, interpret, interpret Good Chinese Chinese art culture, tell the story of Chinese country's art, spread the value of Chinese country's art, and create a good language of Chinese country.

This conference received more than 200 units from 27 provinces and cities and autonomous regions across the country, as well as more than 700 manuscripts of Thailand Gale University, National University of Russia, National Monuk University of South Korea, South Korea University, Belgian University of Liberty University Article. After review by experts, a total of 61 submission was selected for the topic of oral reports and 344 submissions selected.

The main report of the morning was the director of the Expert Committee of the Martial Arts Research Institute of the State Sports General Administration, the former deputy director of the Martial Arts Management Center of the State General Administration of Sports, the deputy dean of the Martial Arts Research Institute of the State Sports General Administration, and Mr. Zhangshan, the nine -stage Zhangshan section of China. The topic he reported was "Borrowing History, Innovation and Development -Review and Outlook for the Development of New China Martial Arts". Based on the prerequisites of fear of history, reviewing history, and drawing on history, Mr. Zhang Shan conducted historical review and analysis of martial arts key management agencies, key organizations, key historical events, and key figures. , Put forward new ideas for the development of martial arts innovation. He believes that the development of martial arts in the future must keep up with the development of martial arts culture under the premise of national policies, so as to ask the people's logic of the people, the policy of the industry, and the country. Only in this way, only Chinese martial arts can go more solid, firm and stable on the development path, and can pride in the forest of world culture.

Guest of the main report, a second -level professor of Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, a member of the Sports Discipline Group of the Degree Committee of the State Council, a member of the Education and Independent Committee of the Ministry of Education, and Professor Qiu Yixiang of the Ninth Paragraph of Chinese Martial Arts. The scientific and modern thinking of martial arts technical characteristics and the training methods of Jinfa. Summarized the traditional martial arts since the founding of the country from the loss of the country to the 21st century. The protection and inheritance of the country's inhumage in the 21st century brought a turnaround to the development of traditional martial arts. In the face of the realistic issues of traditional martial arts inheritance and development, Professor Qiu Yixiang proposed "Ministry of Education. ——The development of the dual -line development of colleges and universities, the Ministry of Culture -A non -relics ", it is recommended that colleges and universities" go out, please come in ", give full play to the advantages of college professional resources, and through the inheritance, development and innovation of traditional martial arts of the people, realize the" Digitalization "inheritance. The main line of the development of Chinese -style wrestling, pushing hands, and short soldiers put forward the modern thinking of future martial arts development.

The main report guest, research librarian of the Sports Culture Development Center of the State Sports General Administration, doctoral supervisor, director of the Sports Culture and Industrial Committee of the Chinese Culture Promotion Association, and the executive director of the China Sports Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Center, Professor Cui Lequan from the perspective of "History -based visits - —From the title from Shaolin Temple to Shaolin Martial Arts ", from the perspective of historians, the important boxing of the martial arts Boxing Small Lingku system summarized and sorted out. From the establishment of Shaolin Temple to the development of Shaolin martial arts, the Shaolin martial arts in different historical periods have been conducted in detail. The development of the development of Shaolin Temple and Shaolin Martial Arts is: from "Wu" to "Shu" to a deepening path from "learning". And the ideological and cultural system of Shaolin Temple's complete cracking sports technology, unique patriarchal head system, "three religions, nine streams and one source", as well as the unique geography and historical and cultural environment of Songshan and Shaolin Temple "in the world" The element is to interpret the connotation of Shaolin Wuxue in detail.

The keynote report commented on the guest, a specially appointed professor of Hubei University Qinyuan scholars, a member of the former National Higher Education Teaching Instruction Commission of the Ministry of Education, and the dean of the School of Sports of Hubei University, and Professor Cai Zhonglin of the Ninth Section of Chinese Martial Arts not only presented a wonderful comment, but also basically made a wonderful comment, but also basically commented on. The study of theory expressed its own point of view.

In the afternoon of the same day, a branch report and discussion were conducted. The special report includes "New Exploration of Chinese State Arts and Health Mechanism", "New Vision of Chinese State Art Culture Communication and Inheritance", "New Path of Chinese State Cultural Value", "New Logic of Chinese State Culture Education Reform", "Chinese State Arts Arts" Five topics including cultural and social value ", including review and interactive links, each with review and interaction. The meeting invited well -known expert Professor Tang Li Xu, Professor Wu Dong, Professor Yang Xiangquan, Professor Wang Guanghu, Professor Ji Canzhong, etc. as the evaluation experts of the branch venue. Experts and scholars from Tsinghua University, Suzhou University, Macau University of Science and Technology, Beijing University of Physical Education, Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, Wuhan Institute of Physical Education, Nanjing Institute of Physical Education made special academic reports at the meeting and conducted dialogue and exchanges. According to reports, the "China National High -end Academic Forum" brings together experts and young scholars at home and abroad, focusing on the basic issues of Chinese national art culture, academic frontier, etc. to conduct in -depth and long -lasting research and explorations. Development contribution. (Correspondent: Chengdu School of Physical Education Xie Ran Ma Xiujie Song Wenhan)

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