Daqing detachment "online+offline" jointly promotes the knowledge of gas fire safety

Author:Heilongjiang Fire Time:2022.07.18

In order to profoundly learn the lessons of gas explosion accidents in various parts of the country, and in -depth promotion of the city's gas fire safety investigation and rectification work. In the past few days, the Daqing detachment has taken "online+offline" methods to actively carry out publicity and further enhance the masses' awareness of fire safety awareness And self -defense and self -rescue ability.

Daqing Fire Rescue Detachment organizes a detachment and brigade fire propaganda personnel to form 11 fire preaching groups to go deep into the city's villages (neighborhood) committees, communities, shopping mall markets, snack streets and other places. The prominent position posted more than 5,000 "Nine Tips for Gas Safety". At the same time, organize the masses to watch typical fire cases in the country in recent years, and popularize fire safety knowledge such as gas safety, family fire prevention "three levels", etc., reminding groups to use fire, electricity, gas use in life, and timely check and update stoves, and update stoves. Gas tube and pressure decompression valve, timely remove gas utensils and combustible objects around the pipeline; remind the unit to strengthen the inspection of the gas pipeline and daily fire inspections to ensure the smooth flow of evacuation channels, safety exports, and fire trucks to ensure that the unit can be evacuated in time and effectively evacuate when fire occurs in a fire. Escape, use fire equipment correctly to deal with fire accidents in time.

At the same time, the Daqing Fire Rescue Detachment passed the official Weibo of Daqing Fire Fire, WeChat public number issued a notice of gas safety inspection, and the knowledge of gas fire safety. WeChat groups such as security work groups push typical fires and gas explosions and gas safety use tips, reminding social units and communities to attach importance to fire safety management, and play a good publicity effect.

消 Source: Daqing Fire rescue detachment

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