Order increases by 215%year -on -year!Raw marinated seafood fire, some people eat but have diarrhea and fever ... Doctor reminds →

Author:Xiamen Daily Time:2022.07.18

Delicious raw pickled.

Raw pickled shrimp

On a hot summer, seafood singing the protagonist. Recently, some citizens have found that more merchants with raw and pickled seafood have changed. They have partnered with white porridge, hot pot, etc., and began to "grab the beach" tabletable table. According to statistics from Meituan, in July this year, the number of merchants selling raw pickled seafood products in Xiamen increased by 30%year -on -year.

Because of the tender meat and sweet taste, the raw seafood is called "delicious poison" by the gourmet old lady. However, summer is also a high incidence of gastrointestinal diseases. Doctors recommend citizens to cook foods and cook them before eating; if they eat raw seafood, pay attention to whether the restaurant is regular and fresh, etc. At the same time, eat appropriate amounts.

In July, the number of raw pickled seafood merchants in Xiamen increased by 30%

Raw pickled seafood, known as "delicious poison", only need to deal with seafood, add green onions, wine, etc. to marinate.

Ms. Lin lived on Lake Bin East Road. Last year, she used takeaway software to pick up seafood, and there were less than 10 merchants who could distribute it. Today, merchants have increased to twenty or thirty, and they have more tricks. Mr. Zhu, a citizen, likes to eat raw pickled seafood with white porridge. Last month, he found that the restaurants under the Minnan cuisine downstairs also launched raw pickled products.

The reporter used No. 122 Lu Ling Road as the delivery destination, searching for "raw pickled" on the takeaway platform. There are only merchants specializing in raw pickled, as well as porridge shops and night food shops. Among them, the monthly sales of "raw pickled shrimp" of a merchant reached more than 1,200 copies. According to Meituan data: In July this year, the number of merchants selling raw and pickled seafood in Xiamen increased by 30%year -on -year, and the sales of raw pickled seafood orders increased by 215%year -on -year. Takeaway sales increased by 60%compared with June this year.

Why is raw pickled seafood so hot? According to industry analysts, raw pickled is a popular choice for summer supper in southern Fujian and Chaoshan, and its demand is strong. In addition, the number of consumers who come to Xiamen in the summer, and the increase in consumers who come to Xiamen, and taste seafood as a must. Therefore, the number of merchants who sell raw pickled seafood have increased.

Use high concentration wine or vinegar to treat seafood sterilization and disinfection function for limited

"Raw pickled shrimp is very fresh!" "I heard that raw pickled seafood is a‘ delicious poison ’. I really ca n’t stop it ...” In the public comments, many citizens praised raw pickled seafood. However, some people have said that diarrhea and fever after eating.

In this regard, Zhou Jingping, deputy chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology, Xianshan Hospital affiliated to Xiamen University, introduced that summer is a high incidence of gastrointestinal diseases. On the one hand, raw pickled seafood may have parasites, bacteria, etc., which are not handled in place, which can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort. In addition, the weather is hot, bacterial reproduction is accelerated, and raw pickled seafood is more likely to deteriorate.

Can raw pickled seafood be treated with high concentrations or vinegar, and can must be mustard and garlic, can it sterilize? "Medically, 75%of alcohol has a bactericidal disinfection effect. Generally, drinking wine is only 50 or 60 degrees." Zhou Jingping said, therefore, wine, vinegar or garlic can only be seasoned, and the sterilization and disinfection function is limited.

Eating raw pickled seafood can easily cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Children, pregnant women, and middle -aged and elderly people have low immunity, and are not recommended to eat. "Seafood, meat products, etc., it is best to eat it after cooking." Zhou Jingping said that when eating raw pickled seafood, pay attention to whether you are fresh, whether the restaurant is hygienic, etc., and eat appropriately.

[Case] ​​Edating mud snails cause toxic liver damage

This year, Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Xiamen University had treated patients with uncomfortable patients due to picking mud snails.

Ms. Lin ate a lot of pickled mud snails. After a few days, she had symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea. After taking the medicine in the nearby clinic, she did not work. She rushed to the Digestive Department of Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Xiamen University. The test showed that the liver function is more than 40 times higher than the normal value. Mr. Wu ate a lot of pickled mud snails at the party with relatives and friends, and then symptoms such as fatigue and abdominal distension occurred. The inspection found that Mr. Wu had abnormal liver function. At present, two patients have recovered after treatment.

According to the doctor, the two patients in the above cases are toxic liver damage caused by shellin toxins. In the outpatient clinic, patients have encountered gastrointestinal symptoms such as lips, tongue, fingertips, and numbness, or vomiting, fatigue, diarrhea. The doctor reminds the citizens to be careful when eating mud snails, and seafood is recommended to cook before eating. Once you eat the symptoms of physical discomfort, you should go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible.

(Text/Xiamen Daily Reporter Luo Zihong Intern Lai Jiawen Correspondent Shi Qingqingtu/Xiamen Daily reporter Zhang Jiangyi)

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