Jiuhe Town, Anning District: The prevention and control of the epidemic and the construction of a "two -handed grab" to build a "golden bell cover" in the jurisdiction

Author:Peaceful Time:2022.07.18

In order to solidly promote the construction of Ping An and effectively improve the happiness and satisfaction of the masses, Jiuhe Town, Anning District to grasp the epidemic prevention and control, and grasp social stability in one hand. Do not relax, keep safety construction ", take multiple measures and promote it simultaneously to ensure that safety construction work during the prevention and control of the epidemic, and the strength is not reduced.

Strengthen grid management and consolidate the foundation of peace. Jiuhe Town gives full play to the advantages of group defense and group governance teams. Taking grids as a unit, grid staff at all levels and agents at all levels to investigate foreign personnel while taking households, comprehensively investigate the hidden dangers of conflicts and disputes, and establish the conflict disputes on the detected. Accounts, clarify responsibility leaders, implement work measures, resolve time -limited resolution, and deal with them properly, so that the problems of the problems are timely, the situation is timely, the contradictions are resolved in a timely manner, and the conflicts and disputes are not upgraded or intensified.

Strengthen key prevention and ensure harmony and safety. Comprehensively implement the visits system of patients with mental disorders, implement on -site nucleic acid testing services for patients with mental disorders, and comprehensively grasp the recent family conditions, disease level, disease status, scope of activity, etc. of patients with mental disorders. Abnormal, the bottom of the country is clear, the situation is clear, and the situation is not missed to ensure that the incident of accidents in the town's no mental disorders occur.

Strengthen publicity and guidance and strengthen group defense. "Hello, please scan this QR code and download the National Anti -Fraud Center APP to help everyone know the routine of online telecommunications fraud at a glance." At the nucleic acid detection point of Tougou Village, Jiuhe Town, volunteers persuaded residents to maintain " One -meter line "distance, on the one hand, calling on the villagers to download the National Anti -Fraud Center APP. Through the "online+offline" publicity method, Jiuhe Town popularized the common sense of anti -drug, anti -electrical and epidemic prevention and control to the masses, and advocated the healthy life of residents and the masses, so as not to panic, rumors, and enhance residents. The scientific protection awareness and self -protection capabilities have built the "firewall" from the ideological understanding of the epidemic prevention and control, and effectively opened up the "last meter" of the epidemic prevention and control.

Source: Jiuhe Town

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